Lovers Over the Telephone: “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

If you live in the Northeast United States, this is a great time to stay inside by the fire and call your sweetie. Or your grandmother. Call anyone!

On this day in history in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

I’m going to call one of my friends in the tropics and ask them to leave their phone on speaker in the sand on the beach so I can hear the sunshine and ocean waves.

Thundersnow Doesn’t Stop NYC Schools, Remain Open

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Public Schools were open Wednesday as a nor’easter arrived in New York City. The storm was set to turn up notch just for when the kids get out of school. It wasn’t exactly the news P.S. 154 elementary students in Mott Haven section of the Bronx wanted to hear when they…

via No Snow Day For Students In New York City — CBS New York

Nor’easter Two: Those Without Power, Hit Twice

NORTHEAST, U.S. — Another blizzard is hitting the northeast. Snowfall began early yesterday to the dismay of tens of thousands of local residents that lost power during the last one. A State of Emergency has been called in many places so — if possible — try to stay off the streets during this snow storm that is expected to accumulate more than a foot, similar to the last one, in the next day and a half.

Weathered in Port

The title and contents are a nod to the weekly photo challenge from the Daily Post: Weathered.


For this short photo series, I walked around my centenarian city. There are tons of beautiful architectural subjects here. Old, beautiful architecture. IMG_1489-ANIMATION.gif


My favorite feature of the city is a favorite feature of mine everywhere I go, tunnel-systems. This one is not so much a system as it is a passage from one side of the tracks to the other. The underpass was built in 1936 and I love it.

It’s one of the many reasons you should visit Port Jervis in October! Halloween is the best time to watch the seasons change. Also, look at the above Welcome sign, doesn’t that say: “perfect creepy”?

Since I put my favorite architectural feature (not to be confused with my favorite natural feature) first, the following will be my runners-up, in reverse order: the editor’s pick last.

A foreword here, I appreciate my home city and everything it has to offer. Are the buildings old and in need of TLC? Sure. Do people suck sometimes? Well, what is life without the occasional a******?

The rustic romance of
weathered commercial structures
in the city of Port Jervis.

Woogie's Weathered Wonderful Wunch-spot

Once you see it you can't unsee it....

Front Street Gallery

Great curves!

My Fave

 P. S.

Enjoy posts like these? Good! I’ll be trying my best to do a weekend photo post recurringly.