Embracing the Lost

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

When I became homeless the first time, I chose family.

The second time, I chose friends.

Left alone the third time, I had no one else but myself.

I decided to choose the version of me that would be a hero to the younger me.

A brave transgender woman fighting for justice, speaking truth to power, and bravely taking the knocks for it.

Because the important decision in that was to fight for others, not just for myself, but as a reflection of where we are, fight for what my younger self needed, what I needed, what I still need, and do so by striking for others. String and deep, strike at the heart of the issues.

That decision has been ever-unfilding since then, and before then when similar decisions were made. But it has forever changed my life to give it to others. Because when all else fails, choosing yourself means choosing the humanity that you share with others.

Share this and your own story, and join me at Twitch.tv/BriezyBee. Hmu on social, add me, help me elevate your story.

My sources and community mean the world.

Brienna’s American-English – IPA shorthand for journalism, ep1

No, not the beer silly duck!! 🦆

Tonight your host, Brienna Parsons, is beginning her first instruction in auto-pedagogical linguistics. Woohoo!

Join the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee stream for higher education and gaming. We’re doing another Pull That S*** Up University and everyone is invited. There may be cursing & local references made, so a particular audience is in mind, but this work is for everybody, so get in!


So come one, come all, tonight and every week, the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee livestream does public university on Twitch!

Here’s the weekly rundown:

  • Mondays (M)
    • Community Town Halls with Twitch in and around Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, & the United States.
    • We cover Arapahoe County, Colorado local news!
    • Gaming.
  • Tuesdays (T)
    • Brienna’s Office Hour Marathons — how long can we go?
    • Gaming.
  • Wednesdays (W)
    • Pull That S*** Up University — public university livestreams!
    • Gaming.
  • Thursdays (R)
    • Arapahoe County House Party Canvass Reports.
    • Gaming.
  • Fridays (F)
    • IDK think of something fun, it’s that, come join us. Hop in chat!
    • Gaming.
  • Saturdays (A)
    • Unsolved Mysteries, Wife Swap, & other trash with the crime & life partner.
    • Gaming.
  • Sundays (U)
    • No Streams.

Help us create a solid network for the community by sharing!

Thanks again


For business inquiries email briennaparsons22@gmail.com.

Our Patreon –> Our Kickstarter?

That’s right, OUR Patreon. I finally launched the page today, and here it is, but let me tell you why it’ll be Our Patreon, and not My Patreon:

First, the Simple Answer:

With money-sharing just a click away, there’s myriad ways to share funds with people that need it. Whether you’re sharing the cost of lunch or creating poetry for a small fee, who hasn’t heard of Venmo? There’s a lot of ways to share the cost of this expensive endeavor we call life.

Newsy Background:

For news organizations, it’s no secret that they’ve mostly become corrupted by advertisers and their needs. Advertising isn’t always consistent either, even for the New York Times! Not only that, but also, not everyone is as affordable as The New York Times when it comes to subscription-based funding.

For more research on the latest annual data, check out this from the American Press Institute.

I’ve always done my work for free, but that doesn’t mean that it’s sustainable in any way. It’s made a lot of projects unreachable for me. For instance, in order to cover certain topics regarding immigration at the southern border, I more or less had to make new friends in the area or be homeless.

One thing I did learn from this: I can manage with far less and don’t mind giving my money away to others. They may need it more than me, and after living for three months across the southwest with not much more than camping equipment, I’m also confident that the money is better spent by them. So at last, here’s that simple answer:

Donations, Charitable Giving, and Helping People in Need

Whether it’s ensuring a young girl can stay in the country to achieve her veterinary dreams, making sure those seeking abortion have the funds to do so, or maybe just supporting someone in need through Venmo, I want to set aside 50% of whatever funds are raised for this sort of giving, and yes, there will be receipts.

Finally, the Tough Stuff:

Having a blog is great. And yes, it’s work. But I have bigger dreams than that!

There’s a lot of people out there today that are pretty well on-top-of great content circulating social media. They read, they watch, they may even write or record. I want to support them.

I want to give progressive creators another outlet, and one that pays.

So that’s where that other 50% of the funds will be going: a business account and startup costs, as well as advertising materials so we can get investors in on this action. Once I have a partner in this entrepreneurial mission, be on the lookout for a Kickstarter!

If you’re excited about a news network that gives back more than it takes, awesome, give it a dollar at https://www.patreon.com/BriennaParsons and let me know if there’s anyone you’d like to see involved, or any subjects covered here or elsewhere. You can also specify if you want that dollar to go to me directly, but it’s easier to use my PayPal for that.

San Diego, CA — What’s next?

Made it! San Diego, CA. What to do next you ask — okay, no one is asking — but, photographing the border of course! Oh! And nature, it’s Earth Day y’all!

Last month, I headed south from Denver, CO to El Paso, TX. As I wrote in earlier posts, I was tired of what was being said about people arriving at the border, and how such an injustice could pass with only ire from those that are drawing a firm line against the President.

It shouldn’t have been about politics and being right, but that’s what it looks to have become. Meanwhile, I knew in my heart that these people were tired, hungry, afraid, and looking for asylum from injustices that draw a clear line to Washington, D.C..

Doing nothing and saying nothing, became clearly the equivalent of supporting these policies, the conflicts, and the hate most of all. Not asking those that fall silent, or worse, those who continue to support the actions of this President, would be almost as awful as building the 30-foot wall that would hurt children most of all, myself.

I wanted to raise money for the organizations helping those children and families, and along the way create content and a story as to why it matters to say something. Especially now.

I took to my own two feet to really get a grasp of some of the distances that would have been traversed by these mothers, children, and fathers. Yesterday was Earth Day, so I ask that everyone reading this considers a nice long walk as well.

While I walked, I worked. With reporting under fire from the same President and same supporters, I needed to start from a place of integrity in creating my own organization (TBA).

To be clear, I haven’t pitched anyone about what I’m doing. Follow me on Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook stories and you can see the wear and tear.

I’m making the struggle work for me, as I wrote earlier, more or less within my means.

I’m still raising money for migrant refugee/humanitarian aid, but I have a much more specific goal in mind now after having worked with the orgs helping these families. Freedom isn’t free, as any American would tell you through intermittent oral drips of pure irony.

According to a 2014 post by Citizen Path, “the total [DACA application] fee includes a $380 filing fee for Form I-765 and an $85 biometrics fee.” Totalling, $465. The fee in 2018 was $495, and in addition to the I-765, applicants must complete the I-765WS (worksheet), and, I-821D.

Here’s the GoFundMe to help this girl get a degree and work as a guitarist and veterinarian, safely within the United States.

Please share, because we all suffer when others are in pain, and through helping allieve the suffering of others, we heal our own wounds. This Earth Day, let’s try to change the narrative.

As always, thank you for reading.

FAP: the Free Association Press


the Free Association Press

Founding Story

The Ides of March enticed my being. I hopped on the first bus down to El Paso, TX with my bag loaded for a long journey and just a sleeping bag to call home. As I describe in posts to my website, I was out to protect others with nothing but integrity as my body armor.

As I detail on my blog repeatedly, I wasn’t expecting to find the courage in myself to do much more than “slow travel” the country, photograph the sights, and attempt to raise something for migrant refugees.

At first, that meant helping organizations such as Reporters without Borders, Journalists for Human Rights, Amnesty International, and most importantly, at the time, Texas RioGrande Legal Aide.

As I traversed the desert of Texas and New Mexico, and entered Arizona, I wasn’t expecting to find any opportunities to have a direct positive impact.

Maybe it was luck. Maybe it was the universe. Maybe it was karma. Maybe it God. Maybe it was the fact that I had wanted to do more and searched for ways that I could have a greater impact.

Somewhere near Phoenix, AZ, I had stopped into a library to do some writing, journaling, and reading. With a stack of Arizona Republic newspapers before me, I tracked down the news about the border and the reporters watching it develop with their keen eyes. One thing jumped out of the paper at me and helped guide me, like the full moon on a cloudy night.

Yuma nonprofits were given a day’s notice that Border Patrol was planning to release migrant families into the desert community to free up detention space. They weren’t going to be prepared or guided in any way, and weren’t being assisted through the legal hoops of citizenship and asylum.

I had to act. In the forefront of my mind I knew that they needed people to greet them with open arms as a friend and an ally. This couldn’t be more true, because I saw the hateful rhetoric, the violence, and the causes that were pushing, who I knew to be mostly women and children in my heart, to a strange country where they had little prospects and family. A hostile country, it would seem; I wasn’t having it.

In some way, I wanted to show solidarity, and a respect for the lives they live as people, as humans. It was to my eyes and heart a humanitarian crisis. I hoped that with enough support from similar stories and a few of my own, here and there on the internet, that we could change pessimism and trauma into healing and hope.

So I took a pause from sharing photos on 500px, because as far as fundraising goes, it was disappointing. I instead began seriously considering what kind of organization I could leave behind to continue working to ensure that the world is just, if not for something utopic, than for the basics: human rights.

Founding Principles

I reflected on four things I found amazing about the world today in order to come up with the founding principles:

  1. Digital Nomads — There are people that live everywhere, moving from place to place building an online “World Town,” a term I borrow with endearment from my favorite artist, M.I.A.. I find of these people, especially the women, they’re amazing, shockingly altruistic, and more grateful for life and the planet than anyone I’ve ever met living in a single area their whole lives. I’m proud to consider myself one, because to me, it’s no different than being an envoy of the United Nations; the goal is to “protect the world from devastation” and “unite all peoples [from every nation].” Yes, that’s from Pokemon’s Team Rocket, loosely.

  2. The Associated Press (AP) — When the multinational nonprofit news agency began in May 1846 under the moniker NYAP, it was only five daily newspapers in New York City sharing the cost of transmitting news of the Mexican–American War. Since then similar organizations and resources have sprung up to assist in this global project, including the occasional fact-checking of fact-checkers at the AP and other news agencies. Being from New York and considering myself a journalist as well, I always held the organization high in regard.

  3. “Free Association” — This one has two definitions, and both resonate with me. From Google:

  1. In psychology, it’s “the mental process by which one word or image may spontaneously suggest another without any apparent connection.” Growing up and writing poetry, cracking puns and innuendos, and using it to succeed in Odyssey of the Mind competitions, I used to call it “Six Degrees of Separation,” which is another great theory of the interconnectedness of all humans, but not what I completely meant when I used. Although, looking back, the true definition may have also influenced me unconsciously.

  2. It’s “the forming of a group, political alliance, or other organization without any constraint or external restriction.” This definition is how I operated as a student senator in university, an individual and friend in high school, and a loner in every other respect of my life. So yeah.

  • Voluntourism — This one is something I think everyone should do. However, there are some caveats. Here’s a Guardian story about one such problem. I believe less in acting as a rescuer and more as a learner. Rather than just throwing help at people; actually finding out what they would like to receive, and striving to not leave a vacuum in the wake of helping others, or creating side effect issues, and even making greater attempts to mitigate cultural impacts.

Founding Mission

The mission, in a sentence, is this:

Travel sustainably as volunteers who teach each other and learn from everyone they meet, creating local newsrooms wherever they are needed and can safely grow, for the benefit of the public, and ensuring that the human rights of all are assured, protected, and flourishing.

This project could someday use faster methods of travel. Initially, I imagine, it would be a walking caravan of teachers, advocates, nurses, first responders, activists, journalists, and volunteers.


The founding values are based in those that I’ve picked up in the fields of journalism, activism, and public service:

  1. Integrity

  2. Service

  3. Sustainability

While the AP believes firmly in rooting out political activity as a conflict of interest, it appears that such efforts to be nonpartisan have very large pitfalls.

In the United States alone, the Overton window, or what has become, contemporarily, politically acceptable in terms of government intervention has largely come to lean heavily to one side of the political spectrum, limiting the window to one side, and actually creating a harmful effect in policy-making.

The way I described in a post on Facebook:

“In the 60s & 70s the people called for a paradigm shift. What we got was a paradigm grift.”

A grifter, as defined in a Google search, is “a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling.” Of course, however, if that becomes the dominant paradigm, or worldview, we end up with a conman as the President of “the free world.”

Therefore, unlike the AP, in such a political reality where one side is, without a doubt, causing harm to human rights, the environment, and, trust in the same media that has, for decades, strived for integrity, a new organization must be founded upon public service before its own longevity.

That said, I do dream of a day that a partisan news agency and advocacy group can become nonpartisan once again. This would only occur in an environment that widens the Overton window and allows for real unslanted debate. This atmosphere of honest discussion couldn’t possibly occur in a world that allows the abuse of human rights.

Before societies, we learned.

Before societies, we communicated,

and in so doing we created democracy.

Before societies, we lived sustainably.

Before societies, we healed our sick,

housed ourselves,

fed our families,

and, lived within loosely defined borders.

When grifters found power, in whatever way that meant, though always above others, these things stopped being human rights. That’s when I believe that journalists, scouts, or whoever acted as liaison between peoples failed the public.

“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” — Lord Acton

Act. On. — An apt name for the British historian.

I also believe though, that we have the technology to make sure that such a case does not become of this planet again. And to be clear, that doesn’t mean that it should ever happen on Earth 2 either, nor does it offer a pass to environmental degradation.

On Future Amendment

All of this, and more — never less — with the inclusion of further discussion between partners in this effort, is always possible, wherever freedom survives.

In order to build the support for FAP, I’m starting small.

Recently, in Yuma, AZ, I volunteered with a shelter for migrant refugees released from Border Patrol.

While there, I met a young woman who dreams of being a veterinarian.

It would break my heart to know or see her studying and one day torn from her dreams.

Help me help this dreamer, and if you please, read my founding story, mission, and values for my own dream: the Free Association Press.

Yuma, AZ.

Gila Bend to Yuma, AZ.

This last leg of my trip to Yuma was made possible by the good graces of Danny. He was more than generous. Also he was a really fast, fun friend to make along the way.

I had just walked down the road from Gila Bend to Interstate 8 towards Yuma. Danny felt a spiritual call, and he pulled over when he saw me. He just so happened to be passing through Yuma on his way to Mexico to visit family.

Danny considered himself a real Mexican regardless of his citizenship. Although other Mexicans would see him as a Chicano, he considered himself a Pisa. He was proud to be a real Mexican.

I enjoyed this part of our conversation the most because I hadn’t heard the term, Pisa, before. Besides, the last two rides that I had accepted were both from older people. So, naturally, it was relieving to relish in our shared experiences.

It was not only pleasantly validating but an empowering moment we shared. While we both came from very different backgrounds we both saw the reality, the situations, the struggles faced by our generation. We weren’t alone.

On the way to Yuma, we discussed everything from education to unemployment and the current federal government to #LegalizeIt.

While the United States is not openly and explicitly corrupt there are a lot of issues happening in this country as there are in some Mexican states and Central American countries. Some may believe that the blatantly violent corruption of those far off lands is a stark juxtaposition to the United States. I would argue that none of my friends of color, or those that have seen small town corruption and nepotism in action, would agree.

We of course changed the subject once it got too heavy. We talked about the environment, love, what things make us anxious, and God.

Danny helped remind me to refocus from taking in the sights and sounds — some of the reasons that I had started out in El Paso to begin with. So when he departed towards his home, he had left me at the door of the Yuma Community Food Bank.

So thanks again, Danny.

When volunteers at the food bank saw me, they saw my pack first. They saw my traveled appearance and my trusty gallon of water.

Usually, these are the trappings of someone seeking assistance. However, this time, surprise washed over their faces as I said, “I’m here to volunteer.”

Hands for labor and a mind to help.

Yesterday, Friday afternoon, right in the nick of time before they closed, I wrote my name on their registry and made a commitment. “I’ll be back here on Monday, when you open at 9 a.m., to volunteer until July.” About three months of service.

At first…

When I started backpacking from El Paso, Texas to San Diego, CA, my intention was to photograph the Border, the nature, and the happenings around it, as a fundraiser.

I didn’t want the project to come off as some sort of “white savior” mission. So at first, I tried to embrace the adventure as my own and the fundraising as tertiary.

I wanted to raise money to donate to organizations that were helping asylum-seekers. At first, it was solely about helping organizations that were doing the work — at arm’s length. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Texas RioGrande Legal Aide, have been helping these refugees either jump through the hoops of citizenship, or those of asylum.

At the very least, I wanted to dispel the misinformation that, not only perpetuated racism, but further endangered these people. I wanted to put my own advocacy journalism on top of this issue, laying out the facts in my own archives. Then, drawing on that original knowledge-base, work constantly on breaking through the haze.

Beyond that, I needed to chip away at the blinders of misinformation. Because those blinders don’t solely exist in front of the eyes of those looking at immigration policies. Those same blind eyes turn their gaze upon the world.

The world that I always wanted to live in is a meritocracy. The opposite paradigm of the current administration. A direct democracy built on progressive ideals. Not simply a Democratic-Republic run by corporations, but an inclusive democracy governing in the best interest of every individual.

But more on that later.

The Humanitarian Crisis

From reading out of curiosity, I knew on a basic level, some of the real reasons behind the massive humanitarian crisis at the border. This journey began from that as a fact-finding mission to create original articles dispelling the lies from the President’s right.

I knew that a Wall in the desert, currently growing to 30 feet tall in Yuma, was not the answer.

Sister Cities.

However, since first leaving El Paso my laissez-faire opinion had changed. There was another way to show people real solutions, but unfortunately it didn’t dawn on me how it could be done until I got closer to Phoenix. That’s when I read a report from the Arizona Republic.

Nonprofits were calling for volunteers in Yuma. Border Patrol had given the organizations a day’s notice that they were to release detained migrant families. However, in massive numbers, and without guidance, migrant families were going to be left to the desert, rising racism, and no resources.

I left the library on a secondary mission.

“Meh,” has more or less, become the new religious chant in America.

There’s always a reason to be inactive now. The comfort and distraction is real. And in a way that scares my hopes for the future.

That fear drives me more than any FOX News commentators’ fear-mongering, because it may be stronger than the desire to help others.

I didn’t want to succumb to this “meh” anymore than I wanted to continue finding comfort in insecurity. “Who is John Galt?” Right?

This and my growing discontent with the circumstances of politics and journalism today, tied with a deep need for a feeling of complete freedom, got me on a bus from Denver, CO down to El Paso in the first place.

From that decision, I found the lifestyle of being a digital nomad nearly fulfilling rather quickly. Prior to this, I had practiced disciplining my vegan diet and my fasting. Now, living the nomadic lifestyle every day is a new adventure.

My desire to see a better world for myself, and my imaginary future family, was not satiated however.

Once again reforming my vision, I had left Phoenix towards Yuma’s refugee response. I needed to get closer to what was happening, not just report from arms-length as I passed through.

From this, yet another, a third, vision has emerged.

I saw that what my project was doing could go farther with a hands-on approach.

Protecting new Americans and those seeking peace here, was not enough to keep them protected from another dictator, another gang, another Trump.

As much as I don’t know, I’m exceedingly confident that I know enough to be optimistic and steadfast in my ideals. Some would even say that I may be more aware of the world than most. And I’m still optimistic!

Isn’t that what we all need? Maybe most of all, refugees need a hopeful examination of the world from an American perspective. A perspective of democracy built on freedom and amendments to our shortcomings.

Still, that sounds a bit too much like a white savior mission, no?

Even looking at the Yuma organizations making a difference on this issue, there’s an underlying philosophical cornerstone that a lot of Americans, especially my generation, can’t completely work beside.

Is it the nonprofits, or from which directions we come to find them?

Perhaps a third party, a digital nomad volunteer group could act as partners to orgs such as the Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, the American Red Cross, and the Salvation Army Social Services.

In addition to volunteering with these orgs, that’s my next mission.

I want to create a nonprofit that not only educates future digital nomads but inspires location independent newsrooms around humanitarian crises, human rights, and a better democracy.

Hopefully, connecting teachers, nurses, first responders, and journalists to better policies, better politicians, and better politics, can create a better world.

The blue needs you.

If you’re in the Yuma area, come find me. Consider volunteering with some of these great organizations. And if you like my nonprofit idea, leave your comments below.

Thank you for reading.

From One Border Patrol Agents’ Perspective

Earlier today, I was offered a ride from an off-duty Border Patrol agent. Naturally, I accepted, in exchange for an interview.

His name was “Jeff” for the purposes of this aside. Before Border Patrol, Jeff worked as a corrections officer. For him, two very different jobs.

Jeff had an unheard of three day weekend in the first time in a long time. For the past four years, he has been working over 50 hours a week, not including the hour and a half commute both ways. Ten-hour shifts are mandatory for Border Patrol agents and the need now for so much of their time isn’t surprising.

This may be the last scheduled three-day weekend Jeff gets in a long while. I say this because the current administration is asking for above and beyond from agents on the ground. And the need is there.

Due to a number of factors in Central and South America, there’s a crisis at borders where some peace may be found. Most notably of course, we’re talking about the United States.

President Donald Trump has called migrants, who’ve trekked thousands of miles for safety, an “invasion.” His language has been less around a humanitarian crisis currently happening and more about a white separatist border crisis.

Jeff, having served years in Arizona as a corrections officer, didn’t want to talk about Trump and his policies of racism.

Last year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), only about 26,000 migrants were processed. This year, according to Arizona Republic report, with already more than 27,000 migrant families processed in the Yuma Sector in this first fiscal quarter, agents like Jeff are working almost four times as hard.

For this administration, that isn’t enough. And we all know what happens when fast food workers are overworked and underpaid. So the struggle in Yuma at the moment is just that.

Thankfully, Jeff reported a decent paycheck. For his experience in corrections, his take home was about $40/hour. However, not everyone may be so fortunate and funding only goes so far.

Earlier this month, former Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Kristjen Nielsen, left Yuma Border Patrol with a promise. They needed more resources and she was to deliver. That was until the White House called down the line: break the law, do what you have to, and also, everyone who made promises to CBP is fired.

Now agents like Jeff are taking what time away they can get, because there’s a lot of work to be done.

Late last month, Border Patrol gave Yuma nonprofits a full day’s notice that they were releasing migrant families in droves into the desert community, without direction, guidance, or food, up to 200 a day.

The Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona of Yuma, the Yuma Community Food Bank, the Salvation Army, and the Red Cross, since the month began has had little time to develop a massive response. Their goal: to feed, house, educate, and better direct people in a country that is alien, a language that is foreign, and customs that border on edgy in many spheres.

Hopefully, with a change of pace in the White House come 2020, the American response to refugees will greatly improve. Jeff needs it. Migrant families need it. And even this rapper has called for it in 2016:

So why all the refugees, you wonder?

Late last year, it was being published that an unseen driver behind the current Central American refugee crisis was climate change, which affected food security. This was, of course, underpinning a crisis in their corrupt, violent, and gang-run governments.

This was one woman’s story in the New York Times.

Yet, this massive exodus for survival is nothing new. On Amnesty International’s website on the subject, the human rights organization reiterated the 2014 findings of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. According to those UNHCR findings, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama have seen a 432% increase in asylum applications.

Last summer, TIME’s headline said it well:

‘There Is No Way We Can Turn Back.’ Why Thousands of Refugees Will Keep Coming to America Despite Trump’s Crackdown

Organizations such as Amnesty International have been working on issues like these around the world for years. So while the current administration might be clueless as to solutions, the Washington Post, among many individuals and orgs, proffer their own.

Borderline Humanitarian Crisis

Hey folks!

Earlier this month, I set out on foot from El Paso, TX. The goal was to document the length of the southwest border and through photography of the environment, region, and relevant images, raise money for humanitarian causes.

Today, on Facebook, I started a direct donation button to my personal page to this end. The button is for the Texas RioGrande Legal Aide (TRLA), which is helping represent migrants affected by what has become a humanitarian crisis, abuse, at the border.

On April 30th, it will be Mexico’s Children’s Day. This is a reminder for us to make a drastic change in our treatment of people at the border, and most importantly those children seeking asylum.

If you can’t directly support TRLA through the link in my Facebook page or are unable to do so here, please consider sharing my photography project.

I began the project on March 16th, and am calling it Open Borders. The photos are for sale at my eponymous gallery on 500px. All, 100%, of proceeds from any photo purchases made during the month of April will be donated to the following organizations:

Thank you for caring about this issue.

3/29 Update: Halfway to San Diego, CA to photograph the Tijuana border. After that heading north for a short personal photowalk before heading back towards the Rio Grande border.

Here’s a sneak-peek into the gallery while you’re here:

TIME: Schumer, McConnell: Immigration Deal Looks Unlikely

WASHINGTON — The Senate’s two top leaders put on a show of camaraderie as their chamber launched its immigration debate, but also laid down markers underscoring how hard it will be to reach a deal that can move through Congress. “We really do get along, despite what you read in the press,” Senate Minority Leader…

via Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell Predict a Tough Road Ahead for an Immigration Deal — TIME

4 Parts US Compromise for Dreamers

“By the time the Tuesday discussions came to a close, lawmakers had agreed to focus on a narrow plan that includes four main components: a permanent solution for DACA recipients, border security and reforms to the diversity-visa lottery program and what the President calls “chain-migration,” or when immigrants sponsor relatives to join them in the U.S.”

via Congress May Be Moving Closer to a Compromise on Dreamers — TIME