The Man with No Name

Daily writing prompt
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

I’m not being rude, alright, they seriously chose to not have a name. And on a note of respect, I don’t know his or their gender so please bear with me.

There needed to be a change to activate people. and when I was an undergrad at SUNY New Paltz, I knew it. So I organized student, ran for office, spoke with people across the political spectrum, and took a lot of notes. At one point, consolidating such notes, and organizing a Transformation Party in the Village of New Paltz, New York, I saw friends enter and get coffee at the cafe I was fastidiously working at.

I had decided to wrap at about the time I saw a person probably twice our age chatting up my friends. I don’t like to presume, so I just said hello to everyone like normal. But the next sequence of events felt like a red flag whirlwind.

It wasn’t what I had been prepared for at all, thankfully. But nowadays, one should always wonder if that’s the experience of others. This was my experience.

“I can see that you’re ambidextrous.” Or at least, the comment stands out in my memory this way. Because it’s weird and very random, right?

Anyway, he told me some about himself, and he had a very mystical vibe to himself and his journey. He had rescued someone from a car accident on an intuitive impulse. He seemed to have some future-sight.

“You like writing too don’t you?” Of course, I do! “Well, write to cure ADHD. Write forwards and backwards to activate both hemispheres of the brain.”

Very inspirational idea for sure! But after that we talked more about history and ancient knowledge — specifically about beer-making, so that’s about the height of the excitement. I’m still working on that interesting quest that he/they gave.

What do you think? Do you have any ideas about healing with writing that you’d like to share? Please do if so! ❤

Embracing the Lost

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

When I became homeless the first time, I chose family.

The second time, I chose friends.

Left alone the third time, I had no one else but myself.

I decided to choose the version of me that would be a hero to the younger me.

A brave transgender woman fighting for justice, speaking truth to power, and bravely taking the knocks for it.

Because the important decision in that was to fight for others, not just for myself, but as a reflection of where we are, fight for what my younger self needed, what I needed, what I still need, and do so by striking for others. String and deep, strike at the heart of the issues.

That decision has been ever-unfilding since then, and before then when similar decisions were made. But it has forever changed my life to give it to others. Because when all else fails, choosing yourself means choosing the humanity that you share with others.

Share this and your own story, and join me at Hmu on social, add me, help me elevate your story.

My sources and community mean the world.

Tilly the Doggo

What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

  • the dog, Tilly, playing
  • the sun shining
  • the leaves rustling
  • the birds singing
  • the world of the future: when we’ve beaten the fascists, dictators, small business tyrants, landlords, and overlords, and direct democracy and real peace and freedom are achieved.
Tilly is always playing.

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Follow me on social media @briennaparsons everywhere and join the #HousingForAll cause with the House Party’s of Arapahoe!

Embracing Change

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

The only constant in life is change.

Heraclitus (500 BC)

I like to think of it like this:

dialect & dialectics

Historical materialism is an example of this two-way street.

The sickle represents the change to an agrarian society, as the hammer to an industrial one, or a computer to a cyber one.

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Hire Me

What job would you do for free?

I do a lot of curation across my social media. You don’t just get news, you get a gallery of expression.

That said, I have many talents that show thru in this curation, my skills as a news editor, my experience as an advocate & activist, my eye as an artist & photographer, and of course the touch of my tongue as a writer, reader, and lover of communication and words.

If you enjoy what I do, consider supporting my endeavors at