Our Patreon –> Our Kickstarter?

That’s right, OUR Patreon. I finally launched the page today, and here it is, but let me tell you why it’ll be Our Patreon, and not My Patreon:

First, the Simple Answer:

With money-sharing just a click away, there’s myriad ways to share funds with people that need it. Whether you’re sharing the cost of lunch or creating poetry for a small fee, who hasn’t heard of Venmo? There’s a lot of ways to share the cost of this expensive endeavor we call life.

Newsy Background:

For news organizations, it’s no secret that they’ve mostly become corrupted by advertisers and their needs. Advertising isn’t always consistent either, even for the New York Times! Not only that, but also, not everyone is as affordable as The New York Times when it comes to subscription-based funding.

For more research on the latest annual data, check out this from the American Press Institute.

I’ve always done my work for free, but that doesn’t mean that it’s sustainable in any way. It’s made a lot of projects unreachable for me. For instance, in order to cover certain topics regarding immigration at the southern border, I more or less had to make new friends in the area or be homeless.

One thing I did learn from this: I can manage with far less and don’t mind giving my money away to others. They may need it more than me, and after living for three months across the southwest with not much more than camping equipment, I’m also confident that the money is better spent by them. So at last, here’s that simple answer:

Donations, Charitable Giving, and Helping People in Need

Whether it’s ensuring a young girl can stay in the country to achieve her veterinary dreams, making sure those seeking abortion have the funds to do so, or maybe just supporting someone in need through Venmo, I want to set aside 50% of whatever funds are raised for this sort of giving, and yes, there will be receipts.

Finally, the Tough Stuff:

Having a blog is great. And yes, it’s work. But I have bigger dreams than that!

There’s a lot of people out there today that are pretty well on-top-of great content circulating social media. They read, they watch, they may even write or record. I want to support them.

I want to give progressive creators another outlet, and one that pays.

So that’s where that other 50% of the funds will be going: a business account and startup costs, as well as advertising materials so we can get investors in on this action. Once I have a partner in this entrepreneurial mission, be on the lookout for a Kickstarter!

If you’re excited about a news network that gives back more than it takes, awesome, give it a dollar at https://www.patreon.com/BriennaParsons and let me know if there’s anyone you’d like to see involved, or any subjects covered here or elsewhere. You can also specify if you want that dollar to go to me directly, but it’s easier to use my PayPal for that.

Borderline Humanitarian Crisis

Hey folks!

Earlier this month, I set out on foot from El Paso, TX. The goal was to document the length of the southwest border and through photography of the environment, region, and relevant images, raise money for humanitarian causes.

Today, on Facebook, I started a direct donation button to my personal page to this end. The button is for the Texas RioGrande Legal Aide (TRLA), which is helping represent migrants affected by what has become a humanitarian crisis, abuse, at the border.

On April 30th, it will be Mexico’s Children’s Day. This is a reminder for us to make a drastic change in our treatment of people at the border, and most importantly those children seeking asylum.

If you can’t directly support TRLA through the link in my Facebook page or are unable to do so here, please consider sharing my photography project.

I began the project on March 16th, and am calling it Open Borders. The photos are for sale at my eponymous gallery on 500px. All, 100%, of proceeds from any photo purchases made during the month of April will be donated to the following organizations:

Thank you for caring about this issue.

3/29 Update: Halfway to San Diego, CA to photograph the Tijuana border. After that heading north for a short personal photowalk before heading back towards the Rio Grande border.

Here’s a sneak-peek into the gallery while you’re here:

Rice One!: Doing Good in 2018

Was your 2018 New Year’s Resolution to get smarter? Give more? Well, if you don’t feel like reading or searching for the charity for you, here’s one possible solution: FreeRice.

It’s an oldie but a goodie.

Created back in 2007, the game has donated trillions of grains of rice, from the United Nations World Food Program, and millions of users have helped accomplish this. The “100% non-profit website” accomplishes two goals: 1) it provides free education; and, 2) it strives to end world hunger one free grain of rice at a time.

I used to play it in the computer lab instead of solitaire, galaxy pinball, Runescape or Kongregate like the other kids. With several game types to choose from on FreeRice, my favorite right now is “famous paintings.” Thanks, Google Arts & Culture.

During the Aughts, there were a lot of sites that did similar things for idle, maybe even educational, gaming, to support such causes as feeding dogs, giving flour or beans.

From websites to apps, some things have changed. The top hits from the list are the following two, for donating for activity, rather than per dollar. Donate a Photo, supported by Johnson & Johnson only asks a photo! Charity Miles may make you walk a bit, but hey, cardio that gives to charity at no cost? Nice!

What I like about this

Apps that do good things are great. Altruism doesn’t need to be an uncomfortable adventure with the Peace Corps or Habitats for Humanity anymore! Now you can be your own type of superhero right from the comfort of home! Or at the gym!

That’s all pretty wonderful, but the ease of altruistic behavior and doing good isn’t entirely what keeps me excited about things like this. It’s where things like this will develop. What’s the diachronic outlook here?

Look at 2007 to 2017! Our charitable giving can start from a larger screen, playing games, answering questions and ultimately donating grains of rice at a time, to taking a selfie or a landscape photo and donating money to a variety of causes. Things look to be opening up in the direction of doing good.

People want to not only simplify their budgeting but do good with their wealth too. Even if only with spare change, they want to save easier, retire securer, and invest in their futures. I’d love nothing more than to delve into how the world around millennials is changing personal finance, but that’s for another article.

Here, I would like to conclude on an idea that I brought up in talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It came up in that post and may make a milestone moment this year: Universal Basic Income. It’s a topic that, like finance apps, will need to be further expounded elsewhere, because the concept of free money, as Finland has proven, is better than it sounds.

A Universal Basic Income sounds awesome already, but it could get even better if it were integrated with the taxing system. Not stopping there though! Transparency is a must for personal finance and all parts of civil society.

The Universal Income (UI) and taxing software would need its own platform, like an app. The UI would need a fairly simple user interface, or (also) UI. In some of our minds, we may even imagine being able to move our money, plan, save, budget, and even decide how much of it is taxed and where it goes.

That would be the kind of future where getting involved and interactive means not only making money but budgeting and saving money and learning more about civics and taxes.

There’s another upside to it also: Say you don’t want to support war. Well, you can open up your UI app and would be able to set your taxes so none of your money went towards the military budget, and instead goes to the education budget or the highway budget. That would be the day, right?

We could use more organizations like OneTreePlanted too.