Brienna’s American-English – IPA shorthand for journalism, ep1

No, not the beer silly duck!! πŸ¦†

Tonight your host, Brienna Parsons, is beginning her first instruction in auto-pedagogical linguistics. Woohoo!

Join the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee stream for higher education and gaming. We’re doing another Pull That S*** Up University and everyone is invited. There may be cursing & local references made, so a particular audience is in mind, but this work is for everybody, so get in!


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  • Mondays (M)
    • Community Town Halls with Twitch in and around Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, & the United States.
    • We cover Arapahoe County, Colorado local news!
    • Gaming.
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    • Gaming.
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    • Pull That S*** Up University β€” public university livestreams!
    • Gaming.
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    • Arapahoe County House Party Canvass Reports.
    • Gaming.
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    • IDK think of something fun, it’s that, come join us. Hop in chat!
    • Gaming.
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TheBreez – Vote and stuff!

Quote of the Day

I dissent.” β€” The cutest, most lawful, most feminist, and most notorious Halloween costumes, you may have missed this Halloween. (Also, hard not to vote tomorrow with the mental image of these adorable RBG’s shaking their heads in disappointment.)

β€œTake me, Spanish Caravan”

The Story

Thousands of migrants make their way through Central America and are nearing the United States.

New? Or used Caravan?

Although some of us haven’t heard of a migrant caravan before late this summer, every year migrants make the trek to the United States seeking asylum. And though you may have heard of the caravan only recently, it has been in the news since April, as part of an ongoing wave of migrants, although it hasn’t hit the same pages in the papers as politics until the past couple months.

Caravan response…

Back in April, Trump vowed to meet the migrants with a militaristic response. That has only grown, since then. Now Trump plans to deploy troops in numbers that out-proportion that of the troops in Afghanistan. The number grew from just under one thousand, to over 5,000, and now about 15,000 to assist Border Patrol and other U.S. agents. The President clarified Friday that the military β€œwon’t have to fire” on travelers. (The fact that citizens even had to be concerned about that tho…)

USMCA, Caravan, and afta NAFTA…

Back in October, Trump renegotiated NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and announced the successful re-agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, the USMCA. Last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R -SC) warned Mexico: turn the caravan around or the US will pull this agreement over. This was another economic threat, to follow up those from the President.

Reception of the caravan…

While some smaller groups have made it to the border, the immigration debate has flared up (just in time for midterm elections, what a surprise!), and the ignorance has flared up as well: starting with, well, a caravan of alternative facts. The worst may be when journalists get it wrong, and let’s say, call the caravan a β€œragtag army of the poor” (shame on you AP). Trump fanned the flames, claiming that most of the migrants were β€œhardened criminals” but really they’re mostly women and girls, and children and babies, traveling in such a large group for their own protection. For Democrats, the question of the caravan is pretty straight-forward and a lot simpler to answer than subjects such as ICE, to shrink or to abolish? Or the White House-led debate on crime. Or how exactly to win in the healthcare department.


Shepard Smith (on Fox, no less!) said that the caravan wasn’t a big deal, and was only being blown out of proportion to fire up the Republican base for the midterms. (Basically!) For more info, here’s a link to PolitiFact. Now go out there and vote tomorrow if you haven’t already!

Caught in TheBreez

And in local news…

In a recent poll conducted on Nextdoor, the top issues affecting the local community include the following topics that may lead to future investigations:

  1. Rising housing costs (residents say: thanks pot)

  2. Municipal broadband

  3. Crime rates and justice:

  1. Car Break-ins

  2. Porch pirating (when people steal your fresh swag from Amazon right off your stoop)

  3. Front-yard Thievery and Destruction

  4. Neighborhood Watch program revitalization

Colorado tho…

Colorado has a referendum that’s catching eyes on the ballot for tomorrow: slavery. Yeah, you read that right. Two years ago, Coloradans failed to repeal the Constitutional amendment allowing for slavery in the prison system. Tomorrow, Coloradans may actually vindicate themselves. Fingers crossed and all, but this isn’t solely a CO issue; this is a national problem inherent in the interpretation, by some, of the 13th Amendment of the United States’ Bill of Rights.

Speaking of voting…

Get all the deets on the midterms from PBS, RealClearPolitics, and FiveThirtyEight. Whether you’re from New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Arkansas, Florida, or one of the other 31 states engaged in gubernatorial elections, you can find a fun interactive map of all the action here, but don’t forget to Vote Smart no matter what the race is. There’s a lot at stake and 435 House seats to fill. Have fuUun!

Back to prison…

VICE released a new docu-series following the criminal justice system’s biggest issue. One which has over 100,000 individuals wrongly convicted. The series is called β€œInnocence Ignored.” (Another thought on the justice system: could the legal/judicial system be overhauled by artificial intelligence?)


Since late last year, the #MeToo Movement has been on fire. From actors to Supreme Court Justices, the movement now has a new target in its sights: unfair practices from large corporations regarding sexual harassment. Looking at you Google!

What’s transpired…

Here’s the wrap in recent transgender news: after Trump came for the community, attempting to define it out of the UN’s Human Rights protections, universities, over 1600 scientists, about 60 corporations, and activists, all had something to say: no you don’t. The struggle continues in states across the U.S. this midterm, however, such as Massachusetts. If you find yourself on Netflix looking for a documentary to educate yourself further about the community, give Katie Couric’s Gender Revolution a gander.

Okay, the obligatory Trump wrap up…

  1. Some may not believe that Trump has always been so hard on trans people as he has been lately. Well, here’s some reading on that, because he has.

  2. Speaking of his actions… here are his Presidential Actions and bills signed into law in the first 500 days. Or even better, a timeline of everything he’s done thus far. And a look at how much effect he really has had on the economy (Obama would disagree)

  3. Since taking office 28 staff members of the White House have left or plan to leave by the end of the year. Here’s more about what Trump has done to fill vacancies.

And in news, that won’t make you want to tear your hair out… unless you’re a fan of anyone but.

The Red Sox. They won the World Series, for the fourth time this century! Boston was abuzz with excitement, celebrating with a parade, after totaling nine wins overall since 1903. Not a baseball fan? Well, how about them trades in football, eh?

Don’t forget, your weekly dose of science…

Science isn’t sexy? Tell that to these photos! Ow ow! Still no? You actually like politics more? (Really!?) Well, you’re in luck.

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β€œIf you’re good at something, never do it for free.” β€” The Joker (Heath Ledger). The Dark Knight (2008).

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The Breez – Jan. 4, 2018 – #10: Happy New Year!

Quote of the Day

β€œI will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock.” β€” President Donald Trump on Twitter, Tuesday. β€œStay Tuned!”

Happy New Year!


We’ve been gone a while, for the holidays, we missed you, and we’re glad to be back! Now that we’ve gotten all the celebration out of us, let’s get down to business: a lot is slipping by us. We really did miss our readers, so please enjoy: a triple threat!

The Story

ICYMI: Net Neutrality was repealed Dec. 14, last year, forcing states to clamor for their own version of the protection, which in New York, is of little importance to anyone but Ars Technica. What matters is the utter vitriol that causes the man-behind-the-plan to recoil from such events as the Consumer Electronics Show Β in five days, where he was slated to speak and entertain open discussion β€œSuperSession”. Republican Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai practiced the party-politic and aimed to remove the overreach of federal government, returning the question to the states.

Andrew Cuomo,

The governor of New York State isn’t focusing on Internet freedom though, he’s with New Yorkers and digging his soles into the mud on this one. Cuomo misheard, but rather well. While we were calling his attention to taxation malfeasance, we had two completely different notions.

Pigs at the trough…

“The first federal double taxation in history, violative of states’ rights and the principle of equal protection.” – Cuomo

The new tax law as Cuomo put it would be like welfare to the Republican states where the cuts will likely be heaviest effectively treating β€œNew York and California as piggy banks.” While it may only be pandering, it has a lot of truth to it. Especially in Port Jervis, taxpayers are treated as piggy banks yearafteryear.

Silent Night

As a $15.7 million budget passed six to three, five councilmembers who were in support of their constituents, turned into only three that wouldn’t use them as piggy banks. Regarding the vote, and previous meetings, two councilpeople spoke about a feeling that they shared: rendered silent, as if being railroaded. Where are you Cuomo?


Taxpayers look and see that working in public service earns you a raise every fiscal year and wish that their wages didn’t stagnate, and their quality of life didn’t teeter on imbalance. With double taxation, fees, and more double taxes, Port Jervians certainly pay more than only the $1.14 tax hike that City Clerk-Treasurer Robin Waizenegger based on an assessed home market value of just under an eighth of $1 million and certainly nowhere near the average for a city that has greater than an eighth of its population in poverty. Happy New Year.

(also I wonder which eighth of Port Jervis that could be….)


The Story

The word sounds pretty crazy. As it should! The term is meteorological, and it evokes a particular image: a bomb.

In detail…

We’re all familiar with the explosive, in at least a cartoon-sense, so when put in front of the root of this term, -genesis, we can figure a bomb that starts somewhere. To meteorologists, this image is more readily available.

Those studying weather look at pressure in lows and highs. Every pressure β€œsystem” they watch and gauge are seen in cyclonic parts. A bombogenesis is no different.

The bomb- part of the word refers to the β€œexplosive development,” or radical change of a particular pressure system. Low-pressure systems that are outside of the tropical climate, or β€œextratropical.”

What’s happening?

The β€œexplosive cyclogenesis,” or bombogenesis, is moving as a cyclone, a particular weather pattern. In the United States, we’re most concerned because it’s rank with climate change evidence. Snow is falling as far into the tropics as Florida.


Florida has snow?! Not only that, but the entire Deep South is in deep trouble as records are made in the below-freezing temperatures. Β Luckily for them, I’ll be posting a broke-girl dunkaccino recipe in the coming days β€” stay warm!

The Peanut Gallery

The Story

Essence, not for you? β€œBright” wasn’t too great? And don’t scare easy? Well, here’s something interesting to talk about as you get stoned with the guys building Mike Tyson’s new weed ranch (HnY Calif.): who’s better hung?

Bad Blood

After having broken up with boyfriend, Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump is moving on. That’s correct bih, he’s redirecting harder than Paul Manafort right now. Trump is throwing out everything that reminds him of their time together. Β 

The Long Game

Ever since he heard the news, President Trump has incorporated McDonald’s every where possible, even brunch, claiming that he eats so much out of fear of being poisoned. He’s stocking up, having planned ahead for this very moment: the Long Game. This event is characterized, and depicted, by the words Trump chooses to share with North Korean despot Kim Jong-un, pushing buttons of all kinds, even the fries.


The Breez – Dec. 21, 2017

Quote of the Day

“Call me when you have a dinner invite from an alien” – Neil deGrasse Tyson is not impressed by UFO sightings.

Taxing Times

The Story

The US is going to get hit majorly hard. Not just by one thing however. You might be thinking taxes, but you’d be only half-right.

Yes, the GOP Tax Plan…

Yesterday, GOP lawmakers passed the biggest overhaul to the tax code in decades. President Trump still needs to sign it into law. Corporations are getting a big, permanent tax cut. Most Americans will see temporary cuts too. But eventually, many lower and middle-class Americans will end up owing more. Next, Congress has to pass a spending bill in order to avoid a government shutdown this weekend. This most likely won’t include a DACA fix or the Children’s Health Insurance Program,

While we’re on the subject of taxes…

Locally, Port Jervis councilpeople Lisa Randazzo, Stan Siegel, Maria Mann and Gina Fitzpatrick all voted β€œno” on a proposed tax hike, Monday. Β The hike of 8.1 percent included a 0.40 percent for Mayor Kelly Decker’s hoped-for salary increase, which would double his pay at the expense of nearly $10 a resident, according to Siegel. The vote will be had again after more deliberation in the coming weeks.

But also the US Olympic Team…

Yesterday, US Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney sued USA Gymnastics, the organization that oversees the sport. Since last year, more than 130 women have accused former team doctor Larry Nassar of sexual assault. Nassar, recently sentenced to 60 years in prison on child porn charges, admitted earlier to molesting young girls. He’s now awaiting sentencing on sexual assault charges.

Aaaaand national sanity…

While most of us in New York are still talking about the Port Authority attempted terrorist bombing, most of the US is now talking about the black money, $22 million Pentagon program for UFO investigations. The program recently coming to light has revealed footage of UFO’s which apparently aren’t enough of a big deal for astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson. Which is sorta Β funny, because most people are losing their minds about the fact that the former head of the program, Luis Elizondo, has even said the words in a shocking announcement: β€œMy personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.”


They could be walking amongst us… Yet the real threat to the human population is not aliens. But our loss of freedom. In the past week, we’ve seen our net neutrality revoked, another major city attacked by terrorists, a tax plan that may just curse everyone but the rich, and yet the largest villain of recent times are those that use power, authority, and their relative-hierarchical power to subjugate men and women sexually. Β Let’s say it again: the People-of-the-Year are The Silence Breakers.

Caught in TheBreez

And in local news…

The results are in! A little less than six weeks ago… asbestos test results for the 15 Seward Avenue Firehouse demolition site, came in through Fourth Ward Councilperson Stan Siegel. But they’re clean! And if you think that this update is more than a little late, consider how Fourth Ward residents felt seeing the official health report come in about twice as long! See the full article at, for more info.

Last Week the Polls Closed…

This week, today specifically, the polls open… in Catalonia. The semi-autonomous region of Spain, which includes Barcelona, votes today on the prospect of a new, independent government, after months of protest. Months ago, Spain called the move β€œunconstitutional” as it scurried to reclaim the massive cash cow that is Catalonia. So while Europe wouldn’t like Β another Brexit situation, pro-independence and pr-Spain parties are neck-and-neck in this race. If Catalonia wins its independence, I’ll personally do the Sardana.

A blaze to remember….

The Thomas Fires in California, said to be the size of N.Y., have weakened slightly. A break in winds have made the blaze easier to fight. However, the pyric calamity remains the third largest in the state’s history.

Net Neutrality is no joke Ted Cruz….

Infamous Joker voice actor and Obi-wannabe, Mark Hamill, went after America’s Dark Side, Sunday. Luke Skywalker in a retort to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s defense of Republican FCC chairman Ajit Pai reminded the senator of Β both the correct spelling of his last name, and of the incident in September regarding Cruz’s like of a pornographic tweet. That was a Mustafar-level burn Master Jedi.

From Russia with love…

A tip of the hat! Russian president Vladimir Putin curtsied Sunday to President Donald Trump after a St. Petersburg terrorist plot was foiled. They would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for the meddling Trump and his stupid CIA.

Truck yeah!

Walmart, Anheuser-Busch, and UPS. What do they all in common? Their expanding fleet of Tesla electric semi-trucks. The future is getting greener, and so far, UPS is leading the way – in terms of distribution and delivery, of course, with 125 brand-new Teslas.

Started cold, but nothing warms the heart like it….

A Knoxville, Tennessee woman, 26, made the press freeze and ask β€œhuh?” this week. Delivering a baby that broke records as they were born. The child was frozen as an embryo for 24 years, which is almost as long as the young mother has been alive! The embryo was donated, and carried to full-term by the Tennessean. Way to go baby Emma Wren!

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TheBreez – Dec. 14, 2017

Quote of the Day

β€œFAKE NEWS, he should be fired.” – President Trump’s Twitter call-to-action for the termination of Washington Post photojournalist Dave Weigel. The crowd size may remain contested!

Net Neutrality: Where Freedom Lies

The Story

Leading up to this week, readers may have seen something somewhere about Net Neutrality. Well that FCC vote was today at 10:30 a.m. EST. This, is where we are now:

The deets once more…

The FCC, chaired by Republican Ajit Pai, will vote today on the repeal of Democrat-created regulations which prohibit Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) from practices such as blocking websites, slowing down connection speeds and charging extra for faster delivery of content. Opponents of net neutrality, ISP lobbyists, have their fingers crossed about the vote, Β in the name of their bottom lines. Β Internet users, young people especially, have their fingers crossed in the opposite direction on this one.

Portugal’s internet without neutrality…

If you saw that Image on Facebook of Portugal’s internet… this one… meo

It may be β€œfake news,” but that could be the reality without net neutrality. As the EU may have Β net neutrality, MEO, Portugal’s provider, does offer data packages as shown. This might be the direction the US ISP’s go if it proves to be profitable for companies like Comcast.

The polls are closed…

The clock struck midnight at 10:30 this morning for Net Neutrality. With a 3-to-2 vote successfully repealing the regulations, we can now expect some vast changes to internet service in the next year. This year’s Republican tagline reads: slash and burn.


Whether in fact the FCC in this vote, is β€œhelping consumers and promoting competition” has yet to be seen, but one thing looks clear: corporations and Republicans will both seize the day on this one. Even if not in full force after Alabama voted.

Caught in TheBreez

And in local news…

Orange County legislator Thomas Faggione criticized Mayor Kelly Decker over Port Jervis tax hikes. A point of contention that was mentioned was the 0.40 percent of that increase which solely goes to doubling the mayor’s salary to $40,000. Former city mayor, Gary Lopriore also criticized Decker about the proposal back in November.

We can work from home…

A new study reveals that working from home is more beneficial to most employees. Not only are people happier working from home, but more efficient in doing so! One catch however… the escape from home and isolation, is a desirable trait in a workspace.

More than hot dogs and poop emojis…

Snapchat is breaking open the world of augmented reality (AR). Dancing pigeons move over, because with Snap’s Β launch of Lens Studio, anyone with a desktop or laptop computer can make their own AR dancing character. The holiday gift that just keeps on giving.



β€”β€” Person of the Year β€”β€”

The Story

Since President Trump β€œturned down” Time’s Person of the Year, the rightful cover-space went to those people, mostly women, that came forward this year, for justice.

The Silence Breakers…

Time’s Person of the Year cover goes to women, such as Ashley Judd, who in October of this year was the domino that caused the fallout of brave women, and men, when she came forward about sexual harassment she was victim to in 1997, by Harvey Weinstein. Since then, brave individuals Β have come forward about a plethora of people who have acted sexually against others from a position of power. That power has in the past made the use of unwanted sexual advances and obscene remarks commonplace.

Who’s been fingered?

The list is massive!: New York Metropolitan Opera conductor James Levine, NBC News anchor Matt Lauer, Β CBS News, PBS and Bloomberg journalist and host Charlie Rose, New York Times White House political journalist and correspondent Glenn Thrush, hip-hop producer Russell Simmons, actor Jeffrey Tambor, Minnesota Senator Al Franken, NBC News Senior Vice President for Booking Matt Zimmerman, β€œArrow,” β€œSupergirl,” etc. executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, Β Alabama Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore, Β comedian Louis C.K., Β actor Steven Seagal, actor Ed Westwick, Β Hollywood producer Brett Ratner, actor Dustin Hoffman, actor Jeremy Piven, NPR news chief Michael Oreskes, actor Kevin Spacey, NBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin, former President George H. W. Bush, celebrity photographer Terry Richardson, Β literary critic and former editor for The Atlantic and New Republic Leon Wieseltier, Hollywood writer and director James Toback, celebrity chef John Besh, Harvey’s brother Bob Weinstein, director Oliver Stone, Amazon studios chief Roy Price, and actor Ben Affleck, in addition to Harvey Weinstein.

β€œOne phone call and you’re done”

Those who know, those who don’t know, and those who aren’t sure about what they know all become complicit parties in malfeasance, whether of a sexual nature or another. The variations in complicity by casting a vote for a particular tax plan for instance, whether for a candidate federally or locally:

You either don’t vote because you don’t care, but aren’t necessarily voting against a terrible, maybe horribly sexist, bill or action somehow else is doing, or are voting regardless of which one, you’re not really wonderfully convinced about any, but you’re faithful, or you could know exactly what you’re voting for, vote for it and get it.

Sen. Al F-inally!

On the other hand with this issue, Democrats, including our very own Kirsten and Chuck, in the Senate are turning on Franken after a second allegation completed the thunder-clap! of his final days in Congress, and perhaps, politics entirely. But there may still be more promising time in comedy! Or not. Β 


We’re really glad that the Senate is doing something and victims are getting the strong support they deserve in the spotlight of media and government. The Silence Breakers, like whistleblowers are incredibly important to the ultimate fairness of our system. Our ways of life, and our hopes for the future.

β€” Caught in TheBreezΒ 

The wrap-up…

Exactly next week (Thurs. Dec. 14), the FCC is set to vote on chairman Ajit Pai’s proposal to remove net neutrality protections. Hollywood hills is burning! And Chelsea Handler may just be right that President Donald Trump is setting the world ablaze.

β€” Enjoying TheBreez?

Let me know!
TheBreez will be picking a day! Coming out weekly, every Thursday morning before 10 a.m. catch hot and local stories, and one piece by yours truly.
A name change may be coming soon… wuddya like to help?

TheBreez: Holiday Hiatus

As you all may have noticed, there’s been a lot of news this week, but no newsletters! [gasps]

We’re taking a break for the holidays, to see family and friends, and will return with fresh pressed press on Nov.27.Β 

There will be a similar vacay from the news storays the week of Christmas, Dec. 23-29, with brand new coverage again on Jan. 1, 2018 (we promise we will drink responsibly and meet you back here that Monday).

Please understand that this service is free and takes time. So a break now and then is much appreciated.

However, if you’re in the spirit of giving, donations are accepted, here:Β

Thank you for being a dedicated reader! Have a Happy Holiday Season! Stay Warm! Stay Lit!

TheBreez #5

β˜€ Enjoy a Baker’s Dozen this Fri-yay!

t’s also Homemade Bread Day! Β β˜€

Quote of the Day

β€œThis disastrous spill from the first Keystone Pipeline makes clear why Keystone XL should never be built.” β€” Jared Margolis, senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity in response to a leak of 210,000 gallons of oil Thursday morning.

β€” What a Zimbabwe to Go -β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

The Story

Were President Donald Trump to meet with Zimbabwe leaders right now, there would be more than one elephant in the room .

The Elephant in The Room (also a great book)

The first elephant is one that is receiving global outcry. The Trump Administration just reversed a 2015 Fish and Wildlife, Endangered Species Act addition that had banned elephant trophies out of African nations, such as Zimbabwe. The country’s focus however, is not on elephants, as it’s elsewhere.

Where else are Zimbabwe leaders focused?

Well, perhaps on what was being called a coup! After a trip to China, head of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF), Gen. Constantino Guveya Chiwenga, isn’t making this look any less like a coup. The details certainly spell it out as such. Β 

Who did the military oust?

The 93-year-old incumbent President of Zimbabwe (since 1987!), Robert Mugabe, was placed under house arrest in Harare, Wednesday. China’s foreign ministry spokesman, Geng Shuang, claimed Chiwenga’s visit had been part of β€œa normal military exchange.” Mugabe is currently resisting military pressure to quit from his position and is in continued talks.

Strongman President to Tyrant President?

While the world’s oldest ruling head of state, Mugabe, has been described as a strongman president, the man that may be the next president of Zimbabwe is already being called a tyrant. After Mugabe fired his powerful vice-president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, clearing the way for his wife, Grace, to succeed him as leader of Zimbabwe. Grace had accused 75-year-old Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former chief of intelligence, of being the β€œroot cause of factionalism” in the ruling Zanu-PF party in the country, after which Mnangagwa reportedly fled to South Africa, when Chiwenga demanded the end to the clearing out of the party, which quickly became military intervention, or coup. Β 


It’s probably not a good time to go collect that ivory trophy you’ve been drooling about, but things aren’t looking good for Zimbabwe as political transition is stalled at the point of discussion between Mugabe and the military. This not only means travel to Zimbabwe shouldn’t be on your holiday itinerary but because of the snowball effect the country has, the southern part of the continent is not expected to see improvement until things settle in Zimbabwe.

β€” Caught in TheBreez β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

Democrats and Republicans can finally agree on something…

Senators from both sides of the aisle came together yesterday, the wake of the recent Texas church shootings, and were able to write a bipartisan gun control bill. The legislation aims to improve pre-screening background check for gun sales. Thanks to the bill, gun stocks are starting to soar.

But wait, there’s Moore…

By now, you’ve likely heard of the avalanche of accusations that have been flying after the initial snowdrop of #MeToo, during the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Now the snowfall thickens, as allegations come out against comedian-turned-Minnesota-Senator, Al Franken. But none of this type of thing is new to us, remember Bill Clinton?

Moore to love….

This one isn’t about the Former Alabama Chief Justice, Roy Moore. Let’s look at some good here. Earlier this week, Gal Gadot made an ultimatum, that Wonder Woman fans were losing their s#%$ over. We can all exhale now; the Justice League star, will be returning to the DC legend role as Brett Ratner will not be. Also, I guess that’s their β€œWonder Woman 2” announcement.

Oops, almost Spacey’d out there…

Not only is Kevin Spacey also facing his own sexual misconduct allegations, and won’t be returning to Netflix’s House of Cards, but the actor faces 20 charges of inappropriate behavior!

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🌦 Thors-day Snors-day. β˜€
Who’s Ready to See Justice League tomorrow?

Quote of the Day

“Attention passengers” β€” MTA announced last Friday that it will now be using gender-neutral terms, rather than β€œladies and gentlemen.” Commuters can also be pleased to read that fares and tolls won’t be raised next year, but 2019.

β€” Getting Down to Brass Tax -β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

The Story

Taxes are the big topic nationally and locally this time of year. As for nationally, maybe not big, per se.

Business as Usual…

House Republicans in their November 2017, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Β budget proposal, plan to do what Republicans always call for: tax cuts. Corporate taxes are on that list to be cut, permanently. Β Most businesses in the U.S. are not corporations required to pay the existing corporate tax however, Β as qualify as being β€œpass-through” entities. The proposed bill also calls for the seven tax brackets currently in the code to become only three, thus cutting taxes, for individuals and corporations.

Til Death (Tax) Do Us Part….

While death and taxes seem to be the two most unavoidable facts of life, they are also pretty indivisible for the very rich… that is until Republicans in Congress get their way. With the tax proposal, they also hope to cut the estate tax Β out of the tax code entirely! The tax, also critically called the death tax was first introduced in 1916, and is just the top of this chopping block’s iceberg.

Who Obama-cares About Taxes?

Senate Republicans also take aim at the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. Pushing to repeal a key provision of the ACA., that requires individuals to have insurance or face a penalty, the GOP is actually winning some votes from the opposition. The penalty, which started small, grew up to $695 per person or 2.5 percent of income by 2016, an unpopular mandate. The decision against this has become popular, not just because the unpopularity of the penalty, but also that dumping it could save $338 billion.

Abortion and Taxes?

While one branch of the government accepted a case regarding abortion earlier this week, House Republicans managed to take on abortion as well. In the Consolidation of education savings rule, they added this clause: β€œAn unborn child means a child in utero. A child in utero means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”

Wait for the Other Shoe to Drop…

The Senate Β Republicans’ bill has been supported by the House, and can be passed by a β€œcloture” or simple majority vote. That majority is quickly falling apart. What was only one (albeit, key) Republican Senator, turned quickly into the defection of another, likely signaling the doom for the bill’s passage.

theBreezΒ Β Β 

While we’re all looking at the Republicans, we should also be mindful of the Democrats. Is there enough leaning against the liberal minded left for them to vote down the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? Only time will tell, but theBreez is expecting some surprises from that side of the aisle as well.

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An American Horror Story…

After Tuesday night’s finale episode of American Horror Story’s 7th Season, Cult, Charles Manson (the real one, not the character played by Evan Peters) had his heart broken. Wednesday, the infamous 83-year-old mass murderer, was brought to (ironically) Mercy Heart Hospital in Bakersfield, Calif. (yes, the same Bakersfield from The War of the Worlds) from his prison cell at Corcoran State Prison where he was serving multiple life sentences. His condition is grave, and the serial killer isn’t expected to survive much longer.

And in Local News….

Many churches and community organizations are planning Thanksgiving Dinners. The idea is to celebrate the season of giving by paying it forward to the less fortunate or those that just want to feel a sense of togetherness with their congregation or community. Β Near Port Jervis: Milford, P.A. Church of the Good Shepherd is offering a Free Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov. 23 at noon, at their location on the corner of Fifth and Catharine Streets. Delivery will be available, as well as some transportation, just call 570-296-8123.

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(short read today… we just studied the life out of tax reporting)

The Breez #3


🌀 Happy Windsday! 🌀

Quote of the Day

“The hardworking Mexican.” β€” An original White Card from Cards Against Humanity. β€œThe party game for horrible people” is buying a piece of the US Border as part of this year’s Holiday Promotion.

β€” Don’t Be Russian Passed This One β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

The Story

I’ll take my coffee just like Β Donald Trump, Jr.: Black Rifle.

The Russian Breez…

Whether you think the son of President Donald Trump is the β€œdumbest” or indeed was doing the right thing, we can all agree that the timing for the press release of Trump Jr.’s communications with the transparency organization, Wikileaks, couldn’t be worse. While Don’s lawyer has told the NY Daily News that they aren’t concerned that this may give to the public, the appearance of Russian collusion, Wikileaks, has had that finger pointed at them too, during the 2016 Presidential Election. But it gets worse!

The Four Breezes…

The Trumps, Wikileaks, Papadopoulos and other campaigners, who else could possibly get involved? Well, while Trump Jr. was busy soaking up some media spotlight, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions testified before the House Judiciary Committee in regards to the Russia question. Β Sessions, displayed what The New York Times called β€œunsteady recall” (the prequel to Total Recall?) of the events of, and around, Β the Mar. 31, 2016 meeting.

What about the Clinton-Russia Investigation?

After last year’s election, many people have been chanting β€œLock Her Up!” The concept called for most by Republicans in Congress, and those that voted for Trump, earlier agreed upon by the AG, was recalled Monday, as a tumultuous action, not to be taken lightly. Sessions backed this lackluster levying of the law Tuesday, as well.


While we’re still not sure if the Trump Administration is tight like a Wedgie with Russia, we do think Washington, and the White House especially, is getting really messy with all of this Russian around. Critics still agree, D.C. can learn a thing or two from Hillary Clinton and the 2010 Obama Administration: though they were always Russian, they were never in a hurry.

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In case you missed yesterday’s newsletter, TheBreez is reiterating some points, today only…
β€œAmazon Prime heads to Middle Earth”

That was the Twitter announcement made by CEO, Jeff Bezos, on Monday regarding the company’s sweet deal on an upcoming television series. Both the release date and the cast have yet to be released., however we do know that the multi-season show was purchased for $250 million, exactly 1,000 times what author J.R.R. Tolkien had originally got for the celebrated title. We also know that the series will follow original storylines preceding, β€œThe Fellowship of the Ring.”

Shaking Things Up….

Last Sunday, Iran and Iraq experienced a 7.3-magnitude earthquake which left over 400 deceased in the region. It was the deadliest this year. Iran, second only to Russia, holds the world’s largest shale deposits. Shale is extracted using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and fracking causes earthquakes, studies show, such as the one that happened in Oklahoma this time last year, or the one that happened earlier this year in Pennsylvania.

And in local news….

The U.S. Labor Department initiative, Jobs Waiting has expanded to train hundreds in the Hudson Valley (Orange, Dutchess, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties). SUNY Orange is one of the administering colleges through a partnership which includes the Orange County Workforce Development Board. 400 residents, especially those facing long-term employment barriers due to lack of education will be trained for in-demand jobs in the advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, and information technology industries.

Trumped Up Health…

You now have high blood pressure. The pills you take can track you sooner than you had hoped. Everyone’s learning what Kratom is. And now most of us are too busy learning about all these new (and frankly ridiculous) developments to even remember the name of Trump’s choice for Health and Human Services Secretary! Here’s a simple hint: Alex Azar.

Also in local news….

A 46 year old Port Jervis man was sentenced to 16 years in prison, Monday. Robert Burbridge faced five indictments including four counts of third-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, two of which for cocaine, as well as, a second-degree criminal possession of a weapon charge, both felonies. The latter, was for a .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol found at his Coleman Street home on April 1, 2016.

Fun Fact! β€” SADFISH

The science is in, you can tell how animals feel! Unless of course you’re a sociopath and lack empathy. If you are, that’s okay too, because perhaps you, like many others, are interested in becoming more familiar with emotional expressions Β in humans and animals.

The title isn’t referencing your depressed pet, but the seven emotions that can be recognized on the human face cross-culturally β€” Surprise, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Interest, Sadness, and Happiness! One of the leading nonverbal communication researchers, Paul Ekman, his daughter, Eve, and the Dalai Lama, got together to actually help people not only recognize these feelings, but their triggers and subsequent actions: The Atlas of Emotions!

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TheBreez #1: Monday Fun-day


πŸ˜ƒ First Issue! Yay! 😁

🌦 Monday Fun-day πŸŒ₯

Quote of the Day

“I don’t care who did what, let’s get to the bottom of this…” πŸ˜ β€” Chuck Rocha on the Russia-Election investigations. Talk about blowing a weathervane!

β€” β€œO – H – A[?] – O” β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

The Story

Ohio State Β students trolled Apple this Veterans’ Day.

Wait, why?

While Apple has been busy focusing on other things like oh I don’t know, a TV show with Reese Witherspoon[!] or a lawsuit win against Samsung, it’s new iPhone X is bugging out. Try to type an β€œi”. Go ahead. We’ll wait…. Yeah. Annoying right? Well, college students always love a good joke on a pervasive issue, so they went for it at the Michigan vs. Ohio game. Β Β 

I have an Android, what’s the deal?

Well, you picked a great time to switch to Galaxy. The (second-to-) most recent update for iPhone is frustrating as all hell for those that decided on an A[?]phone. Yeah.. that’s weird right? Β This means a growing number of 2011’s 73% of American adults Β who use the text feature for text messaging alone, are freaking out. That’s nearly one-hundred million people!

When did this start happening? AND WHEN WILL IT END!?

Ever since the A[?]phone X came out, it’s been acting buggy, but there really hasn’t been any long-term fix to this issue yet. So if you are the proud owner of the iCoaster X (or even an earlier version that happened to get the buggy update) you’re being driven to the brink of self-destruction, realizing how often you use the letter β€œi”. But hey. There’s always that new patch with iOS 11.1.1! Good luck!


Hey, how hard could A[?]t really be, A[?]n realA[?]ty, to use the new emojA[?]  added by developers to skA[?]rt the A[?]ssue, rA[?]ght? Glad you have an AndroA[?]d yet? The bug will probably get worked out sooner or later, but how difficult could it really be? 😜

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Just shootin’ theBreez I’m sure…

President Donald Trump met with Asian leaders (Putin included) theis past week and most recently those of Japan and Australia. After a display of what the president will do to the β€œLittle Rocket Man”, Β the three leaders, Trump, Prime Ministers Shinzo Abe and Malcolm Turnbull, respectively, Β brainstormed how they were going to handle the growing crabbiness between the three countries, China and North Korea. Of course they discussed one other thing, because you know the President is β€œbig on trade.”

Is he done yet?

Today, President Trump wraps up this 12-day tour of Asia in the Philippines While relations with some leaders on the continent have been β€œsincere” and fair, even with his rebuttal to the β€œshort and fat,” Kim Jong Un, this last leg will prove most challenging to the diplomat. Ever since the election of President Rodrigo Duterte and his slaughterous crackdown on the drug trade in the country, US-Philippine relations have been caught in a cold wind.

In West Virginian news, oh wait, that’s Poland…

Poland celebrated it’s version of Independence Day (no, not the film), Fourth of July, this weekend. It looked something like Charlottesville. Β It nearly was! Similar events fueled by white nationalist rage against the migrant and refugee crises have been taking off in the winds across Europe.

Can we get a comedian in here to lighten the mood? Oh wait…

We can’t get Louis C.K. to blow his breeze on this hot topic, he’s a part of the problem, and the worst part is: this isn’t the first time! Hollywood (and Congress) is catching a harsh wind lately as even actresses Gal Gadot and Ellen Page step forward with claims of sexual misconduct by coworkers in the industry. Β Yeah, you read that right, Wonder Woman too! So let’s hope for the best for our favorite actors as we rewatch the powerful SNL monologue of Tiffiany Haddish.

And in local news….

Port Jervis residents celebrated their veterans in a spirited parade against cold winds a-blowin’ Saturday morning. VFW Post #161 1st Vice Commander Henry Dunn, a Vietnam Veteran, and the event’s Master of Ceremonies, Β expressed his gratitude to those that courageously embraced the cold in the name of their national heroes. The day before, several of those service members also celebrated the unopposed election victory of new First Ward Common Councilperson, Β Dominick Santini IV.

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