Embracing the Lost

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

When I became homeless the first time, I chose family.

The second time, I chose friends.

Left alone the third time, I had no one else but myself.

I decided to choose the version of me that would be a hero to the younger me.

A brave transgender woman fighting for justice, speaking truth to power, and bravely taking the knocks for it.

Because the important decision in that was to fight for others, not just for myself, but as a reflection of where we are, fight for what my younger self needed, what I needed, what I still need, and do so by striking for others. String and deep, strike at the heart of the issues.

That decision has been ever-unfilding since then, and before then when similar decisions were made. But it has forever changed my life to give it to others. Because when all else fails, choosing yourself means choosing the humanity that you share with others.

Share this and your own story, and join me at Twitch.tv/BriezyBee. Hmu on social, add me, help me elevate your story.

My sources and community mean the world.

Brienna’s American-English – IPA shorthand for journalism, ep1

No, not the beer silly duck!! 🦆

Tonight your host, Brienna Parsons, is beginning her first instruction in auto-pedagogical linguistics. Woohoo!

Join the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee stream for higher education and gaming. We’re doing another Pull That S*** Up University and everyone is invited. There may be cursing & local references made, so a particular audience is in mind, but this work is for everybody, so get in!


So come one, come all, tonight and every week, the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee livestream does public university on Twitch!

Here’s the weekly rundown:

  • Mondays (M)
    • Community Town Halls with Twitch in and around Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, & the United States.
    • We cover Arapahoe County, Colorado local news!
    • Gaming.
  • Tuesdays (T)
    • Brienna’s Office Hour Marathons — how long can we go?
    • Gaming.
  • Wednesdays (W)
    • Pull That S*** Up University — public university livestreams!
    • Gaming.
  • Thursdays (R)
    • Arapahoe County House Party Canvass Reports.
    • Gaming.
  • Fridays (F)
    • IDK think of something fun, it’s that, come join us. Hop in chat!
    • Gaming.
  • Saturdays (A)
    • Unsolved Mysteries, Wife Swap, & other trash with the crime & life partner.
    • Gaming.
  • Sundays (U)
    • No Streams.

Help us create a solid network for the community by sharing!

Thanks again


For business inquiries email briennaparsons22@gmail.com.

All Your Meme-Pages are Belong to Dust: Why your groups went secret, the world is so polarized, and we should care more about trans people.


Early Wednesday morning and throughout much of the day Wednesday, starting with groups local to Selatan a lone wolf actor in Indonesia launched a massive reporting and banning spree.

The group which won’t be named here, really a young man who won’t be named here had disagreed with a post in a meme-sharing group that appeared to ridicule one single ideology. After reporting until banning, the adolescent, 18, began reporting groups for content that seemed bigoted or did not agree with his ideology.

Expanding beyond Indonesia, the undertaking, with the assistance of Auto Reporter programs proliferated to other nations, time zones, beliefs, ideologies, and Facebook competencies whether they were pages, groups, or people.

Of the most affected groups were massive exchanges such as Crossovers Nobody Asked For and Tom and Jerry Cheeseposting, as well as niche meme and “shitposting” groups, pages, and people on all sides of the political spectrum.

At first, when bombarded by reports, especially here in the United States, the Right blamed the “@Democrats” and the Left pointed fault at the “Right-wing.” While one could spend the time to show the fallacies in these and similar blame-gaming across the world, the most important issue of our time is tolerance and communication. Specifically, this is an international issue regarding supremacy.

By definition

Before we can get into the nitty-gritty of this particular expression of ideological supremacy, let’s define a few things:

zeal /zēl/ noun

  1. great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

fanaticism fa·nat·i·cism /fəˈnadəˌsizəm/ noun

  1. a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or with an obsessive enthusiasm.

One can be fanatical about any belief or ideology, or, behavior or act. So one may be fanatical about anything: being a televangelist, a Republican, watching Football, or even working at the Krusty Krab flipping Krabby Patties. Fanaticism in ideology is where we’re going with this, regardless of how awesome Spongebob Squarepants is for his good-hearted zealotry.

Using Spongebob as an example though, what if he thought others were allowing their lives to stray towards some sort of inferior position, such as not liking Krabby Patties? Ignoring the fact that he still warned against Squidward’s fanaticism in this regard, what if Spongebob derided the Chum Bucket and not only shamed those that ate there (we’re pretending), but also actively attempted to dissuade, even calling the Chum Bucket inferior?

supremacy su·prem·a·cy /so͞oˈpreməsē/ noun

  1. the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

What happens often IRL looks exactly like the above fictional situation. One difference however: in life, this kind of fanaticism turns to ideological supremacy and in turn devolves into limiting the rights of others and in the worst cases, violence. Thankfully, Spongebob couldn’t be driven so mad over Krabby Patties.

Humans and supremacy are a toxic couple with a well-detailed history. A couple of examples from the United States include the ideologies of White and Male Supremacy. Each group IRL has experienced some variance on this subject and while there are methods to create balance and equity on a governmental level it may not yet be known how to change it on a massive macro- or miniscule micro-scale.

radicalism rad·i·cal·ism /ˈradəkəˌlizəm/ noun

  1. the beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform.

As I write this piece radicalism continues to evolve in various ideologies, and even shitposting groups. Worst of all is that this type of extremism can lead to violence. In most cases though, violent extremism is a restrictive act of religious ideologies such as those purported by Nazis and the Islamic State.

propaganda prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈɡandə/ noun

  1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Memes and shitposts seem like harmless humor and fun, or even some way of finding community and building a nest of security when everything else may seem insecure and precarious. However, without being objective, a joke can contribute to only further the views enshrined in the image or post.

This happens subtly when Left-leaning feminists talk about how “men can’t have babies and therefore shouldn’t write laws about women’s wombs” to the dismay of trans men and women as trans men may be able to have kids but trans women may not have wombs. Thus an inclusive feminist can perpetuate an ideology inadvertently and share what could be used by trans-misogynists on the Right. So while it was based in the fact that, recently men in power have been limiting the autonomy of people with wombs, it mislead in that it erased the existence of trans people.

Similarly, people who identify as Right-wingers may not agree with FOX News, an engine of propaganda, yet they may without realizing it use many of their talking points as they lay out their disagreements with Democrats and their policies or beliefs. Striving for impartiality and being unbiased is a difficult task, and because of this makes the value of journalism that can do so clear. As individuals just sharing content, sometimes uncritically, we cannot at all be called journalists by the same standards, and thus we have don’t, and conversely may share a lot of shitposts.

meme /mēm/ noun

  1. a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

shitposting shit·post·ing /SHitˈpōstiNG/ verb

  1. posting large amounts of content of “aggressivelyironically, and trollishly poor quality” as opposed to memes which are of better quality.

Both of these forms, memes and shitposts, while fun, and somewhat harmless, do have a way of indoctrinating others into beliefs and ideologies, because if there wasn’t some shared ideas already present, they wouldn’t be very funny, edgy, or trollish. These shared parts may include the following:

virtue signaling vir·tue sig·nal·ing /ˈvərCHo͞o ˈsiɡnəliNG/ noun

  1. the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.

dog-whistle politics /dôɡˈ(h)wisəl ˈpäləˌtiks/ noun

  1. political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The analogy is to a dog whistle, the ultrasonic tone of which is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.

Bellingcat, “the home of online investigations,” last year published an article on the subject of memes which specifically focused on fascist activity. “From Memes to Infowars: How 75 Fascist Activists Were “Red-Pilled”,” reads into how one may learn a particular language of an ideology or culture and perpetuate it in memes and shitposts while diving deeper down the ideological rabbit hole. Yet, this isn’t only a Right-wing phenomenon, nor even solely an American issue.

Virtue signaling happens everywhere. It happens with references to pop culture and it happens when one says they graduated from such and such a college. It expresses an idea without needing to say it and that’s what happened Wednesday.

Without reaching out to admins or making an impassioned plea to have a particular post removed or a new respect for a particular religion involved in community standards, the boy that caused a chain of groups across the world to go dark, or switch to Secret, Invite-Only, reported the group until it was banned. However, he didn’t stop there. His belief-system had to be defended without a doubt and through a separate page, virtue signaled while performing these actions.

Those that are familiar already know far more about him than will be found here, because he not only reported that group but he set up a bot using the aforementioned method and caused pandemonium across the platform. What set him off? Similar to fascists discussed by Bellingcat: memes.

“The Facebook shitposting community is not safe,” “attacked,” “scared,” and
“legit upset,” were all responses from users across the world. At the end of the day, identity politics isn’t solely a phenomenon on the Left. Our communities, friends, jobs, education, nation, religion, race, language, ethnicity, and even memes are how we identify, and we can be fiercely defensive of our identities. This, not that.

So what can we do? Well, if you read this far you’re off to a good start. People who are violently, aggressively, or trollishly defensive of their own identities often have a hard time entertaining other opinions or memes, especially if they’re perceived as the opposition. For those of us that don’t believe there are sides, agree that the opposition solely consists of antisocial and aggressive or violent individuals, and believe in a someday of unity, the answer may be something very common to the transgender community:

How do you identify?

Can’t pass this by…

Climate change has been here for a while now kids. There’s no doubt that each state and municipality has a Bo role to play. No mistake further, representatives to the federal government in Washington, D.C. have an important position to play as leaders.

New senator from Arizona’s 9th District, Kyrsten Sinema, this is your article.

This one is for that beautifully-open, open-borders, bisexual Democratic candidate that won her 2018 midterm election bid. This is for that progressive candidate Arizonans, and especially the young ones, were hoping for. The candidate I playfully refer to as Felicity Smoak, one of my greatest non-super, super-hero, fictional TV idols.

This one is for the woman that students voted for, even when they were burnt out, drowning in debt, and feeling the foreboding fear of the future. A vote made to conquer that fear. That fear which is, I’ll remind you, in part, due to how we have voted, legislated, communicated, and degradated the planet through poor stewardship, in the past and to this day.

There’s a lot of work to do and students, young people, Millennials, adults, the middle-aged, and the elderly, everyone, voted for you. They saw you as that rock. Those people that voted for you put their belief and hope in your hands assuming that those hands would go to the people’s work.

On March 26, 2019, on one of the most important votes in your career, you stepped away from those progressives that we’re leaning on you. They’ve fallen on their faces, as you may, hopefully, also feel you’ve done. They counted on you, to at the very least, vote present in the face if this sham of a vote.

You didn’t though. Here’s what you did do, from the Senate floor:

At 4:17pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture [procedure to end debate and move to vote] on the motion to proceed to S.J.Res.8, recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

(R-KY) set up this vote in order to tie up hands in a process of debate. I saw this happen in student association government in New York.

Let me say that another way, and to be clear kids are a lot more intuitively intelligent than adults in my opinion, but again: I saw the same tactics used by children when the conversation was about student identification modification for adult transgender students.

But the vote was begun in the chamber minutes to 4:20, and this was the outcome from the 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats, and 2 Independents:

Yays: 0 – Nays: 57. Most Democrats voted “Present” in order to avoid justifying the tactic. But that leaves 2 Democrats doesn’t it?

This is where this comes back to you Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). Yourself, Doug Jones (D-AL), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and, Independent from Maine, Angus King, voted Nay. As in, there wasn’t enough debate regarding whose job it was to be the leader on this issue. That doesn’t sound like a leader.

That’s why you were elected though, Kyrsten. People saw you as leadership material on that level. They believed in what you’ve done and what you could do. Now there’s a lot of doubt surrounding that part of you.

On Tuesday, your constituents didn’t see you step up to the plate as a leader. They saw you sit down next to McSally (R-AZ) and vote Right beside her. Meanwhile, those progressives that saw hope in you are looking to real leaders such as Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who voted “Present” with the Democrats, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), spending every chance she can get, getting that message across:

This isn’t about who takes charge on this issue. We all are responsible. We just expect more responsibility from our leadership as well, especially those of us who feel the impetus is upon us.

Those are the people that voted for you. Don’t let this become a habit, because in today’s political climate, ain’t nobody got time for that lack of leadership and gumption.

I leave you with the facts:

This one comes from the state that I most recently called home, Boulder, CO, and should dispel any issues you have with the climate debate as it appears in media coverage.

And here’s just climate news.

Plus, if you don’t already, you should read reports from the UN on the subject.

Besides, if it isn’t the federal government job, whose is it Kyrsten?

NOAA (2006)?

University of Arizona?

Solely the UN?

Your constituents have questions. And some words:

“To me, being anti-Green Deal isn’t any different than being pro-extinction of the humankind.” — Juan Mendez, March 15, 2019. AZCentral.

— To the care of Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

Former Cuomo Aide Indicted for CPV Bribery

NEW YORK — Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. a court proceeding began that has many Orange County residents and some from Sullivan Co. protesting, as well as citizens across the state concerned.

A former aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Joseph Percoco, is finally seeing trial over a year after a subpoena calling for his indictment on the charges of accepting bribes for official favors.

Organizations such as Food and Water Watch – New York, Concerned Citizens for the Hudson Valley, and Protect Orange County organized to further call attention to these charges, the corruption of Albany and the Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) plant transporting fracked gas into the Hudson Valley.

The bribes, from 2012 to 2014, as well as in 2015, recurringly came bank accounts set up by a shell company of Todd Howe, a lobbyist who first met Percoco and Cuomo while he was working Cuomo’s father, Mario Cuomo. Howe is now cooperating with prosecutors after having pleaded guilty to multiple felonies of a similar nature in September 2016.

Activists in the region are pointing to a particular instance when CPV paid over $287,000 to Percoco. Former CPV executive, Peter Galbraith Kelly Jr. was charged with arranging the payments. Now, Protect Orange County, wants to see the CPV fracked gas-fired plant removed from the Hudson Valley, and they aren’t alone.

The trial is expected to be ongoing for the next four to six weeks. Syracuse developers, COR Development executives Steven Aiello and Joseph Gerardi, were also charged in the Percoco trial, as well as another, for their arrangement of nearly $35,000 in payments to help with economic development.

Susan Lerner, Common Cause Executive Director, believes that the evidence in the trial will “be eye-opening for the public” in terms of the “pay-to-play aspects” of government economic decision-making.

The trial is being held at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse in Foley Square in New York City. Many have already gathered in protest. Footage from Protect Orange County’s Facebook Live feed is below.


The Buffalo News reporter Tom Precious said Saturday that the “Percoco corruption trial is as much about Cuomo as it is the defendants.” In the article, Executive Director of the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), Blair Horner, agrees with Lerner that prosecutors are “going to illustrate Albany’s pay-to-play culture, and it’s not going to be pretty for New Yorkers to see.”

Assemblyman Ray Walter, an Amherst Republican, takes it a step further.

“I think we’re going to see the inner workings of the Cuomo administration and how the economic development model he’s developed as governor leads to this type of corruption,” he said.

Tom Precious, The Buffalo News. Jan. 20, 2018

Chair of Protect Orange County, Pramilla Malick, has not yet responded to calls for comment. To be Updated as the trial continues.

TheBreez – Dec. 14, 2017

Quote of the Day

“FAKE NEWS, he should be fired.” – President Trump’s Twitter call-to-action for the termination of Washington Post photojournalist Dave Weigel. The crowd size may remain contested!

Net Neutrality: Where Freedom Lies

The Story

Leading up to this week, readers may have seen something somewhere about Net Neutrality. Well that FCC vote was today at 10:30 a.m. EST. This, is where we are now:

The deets once more…

The FCC, chaired by Republican Ajit Pai, will vote today on the repeal of Democrat-created regulations which prohibit Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) from practices such as blocking websites, slowing down connection speeds and charging extra for faster delivery of content. Opponents of net neutrality, ISP lobbyists, have their fingers crossed about the vote,  in the name of their bottom lines.  Internet users, young people especially, have their fingers crossed in the opposite direction on this one.

Portugal’s internet without neutrality…

If you saw that Image on Facebook of Portugal’s internet… this one… meo

It may be “fake news,” but that could be the reality without net neutrality. As the EU may have  net neutrality, MEO, Portugal’s provider, does offer data packages as shown. This might be the direction the US ISP’s go if it proves to be profitable for companies like Comcast.

The polls are closed…

The clock struck midnight at 10:30 this morning for Net Neutrality. With a 3-to-2 vote successfully repealing the regulations, we can now expect some vast changes to internet service in the next year. This year’s Republican tagline reads: slash and burn.


Whether in fact the FCC in this vote, is “helping consumers and promoting competition” has yet to be seen, but one thing looks clear: corporations and Republicans will both seize the day on this one. Even if not in full force after Alabama voted.

Caught in TheBreez

And in local news…

Orange County legislator Thomas Faggione criticized Mayor Kelly Decker over Port Jervis tax hikes. A point of contention that was mentioned was the 0.40 percent of that increase which solely goes to doubling the mayor’s salary to $40,000. Former city mayor, Gary Lopriore also criticized Decker about the proposal back in November.

We can work from home…

A new study reveals that working from home is more beneficial to most employees. Not only are people happier working from home, but more efficient in doing so! One catch however… the escape from home and isolation, is a desirable trait in a workspace.

More than hot dogs and poop emojis…

Snapchat is breaking open the world of augmented reality (AR). Dancing pigeons move over, because with Snap’s  launch of Lens Studio, anyone with a desktop or laptop computer can make their own AR dancing character. The holiday gift that just keeps on giving.