The Man with No Name

Daily writing prompt
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

I’m not being rude, alright, they seriously chose to not have a name. And on a note of respect, I don’t know his or their gender so please bear with me.

There needed to be a change to activate people. and when I was an undergrad at SUNY New Paltz, I knew it. So I organized student, ran for office, spoke with people across the political spectrum, and took a lot of notes. At one point, consolidating such notes, and organizing a Transformation Party in the Village of New Paltz, New York, I saw friends enter and get coffee at the cafe I was fastidiously working at.

I had decided to wrap at about the time I saw a person probably twice our age chatting up my friends. I don’t like to presume, so I just said hello to everyone like normal. But the next sequence of events felt like a red flag whirlwind.

It wasn’t what I had been prepared for at all, thankfully. But nowadays, one should always wonder if that’s the experience of others. This was my experience.

“I can see that you’re ambidextrous.” Or at least, the comment stands out in my memory this way. Because it’s weird and very random, right?

Anyway, he told me some about himself, and he had a very mystical vibe to himself and his journey. He had rescued someone from a car accident on an intuitive impulse. He seemed to have some future-sight.

“You like writing too don’t you?” Of course, I do! “Well, write to cure ADHD. Write forwards and backwards to activate both hemispheres of the brain.”

Very inspirational idea for sure! But after that we talked more about history and ancient knowledge — specifically about beer-making, so that’s about the height of the excitement. I’m still working on that interesting quest that he/they gave.

What do you think? Do you have any ideas about healing with writing that you’d like to share? Please do if so! ❤

Tilly the Doggo

What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

  • the dog, Tilly, playing
  • the sun shining
  • the leaves rustling
  • the birds singing
  • the world of the future: when we’ve beaten the fascists, dictators, small business tyrants, landlords, and overlords, and direct democracy and real peace and freedom are achieved.
Tilly is always playing.

Join the Twitch.TV/BriezyBee livestream.

Follow me on social media @briennaparsons everywhere and join the #HousingForAll cause with the House Party’s of Arapahoe!

Embracing Change

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

The only constant in life is change.

Heraclitus (500 BC)

I like to think of it like this:

dialect & dialectics

Historical materialism is an example of this two-way street.

The sickle represents the change to an agrarian society, as the hammer to an industrial one, or a computer to a cyber one.

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Hire Me

What job would you do for free?

I do a lot of curation across my social media. You don’t just get news, you get a gallery of expression.

That said, I have many talents that show thru in this curation, my skills as a news editor, my experience as an advocate & activist, my eye as an artist & photographer, and of course the touch of my tongue as a writer, reader, and lover of communication and words.

If you enjoy what I do, consider supporting my endeavors at

Dog Days: New Year’s Resolutions 2018

Time for a new calendar from your favorite Chinese food restaurant, “and don’t forget to hang up your cock!”

The Rooster has gone home to roost, and now the Dog days are far from over.


My Resolutions for 2018, Simplified
  • Be completely not sick! (achoo!)
  • Improve my Veganism
  • Have better (regulated) eating habits
  • Go to the Gym Every Day (or at least do yoga more often on the in-between days)
  • Write more Fiction
  • Stay pretty
  • Lose more Weight
  • Improve my Six Mile.
  • Lose “Fanny Pack”
  • Network better.
  • Start a Zine
  • Cover more Art Events
  • Build Readership
  • Be Published Somewhere New and Exciting!
  • Get a salaried (or at least steady) position in my industry
  • Save more money
  • (ooo and maybe) meet someone special

2018 here we come!

New times, new methods. If you’re anything like me, you’re still tackling the same New Year’s Resolutions you made a spring and four millennia ago when the Babylonians began the practice! Well… maybe a few of those goals have been fulfilled during that time. Isn’t that good enough?

This year is different — somehow. Perhaps due to being the penultimate, eleventh sign in the Chinese zodiac, a Dog year — my sign — that somehow I feel some more optimism in the days ahead. If you’re not born in the year of the dog, I don’t know what to tell ya.

Ba. Dagedabah

The Dog highlights dependability and a certainty in building material wealth, as well as being a loyal sign — perhaps to a fault. As long as this year follows through with focus, without the distraction of too many “masters” and with great energy, it’ll prove very powerful. In its numerology, it is expected to be just that, a year of culmination.


It’s an 11 year!


Or a 2 year depending on how one counts their numerology. Either way, the dog year meets the intuitive and peaceful one, in that hard work, will come to a head, guided and dominated by passion.

So as we make our New Year’s Resolutions, we ask ourselves. What would Babadook?

babashook_Kayla Wasil


Realistically, what will you accomplish in a year’s duration? Is it a destination, or a journey? Is it something quantitative or qualitative in the result?  

Last year, I had set several broad goals. That in itself was perhaps more of a qualitative objective. Improving a process — something ongoing — rather than achieving a specific result. Perhaps similar to the coming together of our favorite DC superheroes — and Aquaman, this year was a lot coming together, in separate parts of a greater whole, still yet completely defined.

Next year, I would venture to guess, will be more of a culmination of all of that business-side striving.


The deets: Hopefully, I see some more gains in veganism and exercise. I found more time for meditation and going to the gym towards the end of this year. Staying pretty consistently Vegan Before Six. Four pounds were lost from somewhere. Body toning with cardio, and most importantly: my heart feels like it may actually be getting stronger.  

There have even been smaller surprises (accomplishments) made along the way! Studying certain things, writing particular pieces, and even starting a newsletter, weren’t particular items that I expected in January 2017, but still made the list: completed along the way to whittle down much larger goals little by little.

Next year will be more of the same!

Same, not sane. Isn’t insanity “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” according to Albert Einstein? Well, that may be true but there’s no way that you’re going to do everything the exact same way, year-after-year anyhow! Where’s the entropy in that?

Every year, we’re trying a new method at the old problems! Learning which way really works well for us. Because we’re not all the same, we can’t look to a single guru for guidance. The world is our lesson! Our greatest opponents, our teachers! For me, that means my opponent this year must be that evil me that tells to strive for less!

Do what I do. Don’t try so much.

mt everest

Try to keep it simple. For instance: I just want to sleep right.


New Year, 2017: Health and Fitness Goals

UPDATED , 01/28/2017, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year celebration!

Health and Fitness goals have been a big deal around the New Year , for as long as one can remember in the United States. In the Occidental US, the Gregorian calendar is employed for the job of marking the years. This is not so for calendars such as the Chinese or Tibetan. 

By the aforementioned systems, Happy New Hear! Are we off to a good start with our resolutions? Great! Now we have the chance to start it all fresh, with a new calendar, a lunar new year: the Fire Rooster by the Chinese. 

I’m making a new resolution. I noticed that I’m already doing it. It’s actually two new resolutions. 

The first, is writing more. I’ve got a great story building in my mind and that with blogging, I’m off to a great start. So I’ll keep it up and aim for progress, not perfection, progress. 

The second is drinking more water! It helps super duper much! I’m also doing that quite well, so I’m hoping the small amount of body and health consciousness helps improve habits for me across the board. 

We’ll see more progress in my diet, meditation, and exercise, as the year rolls on. Which year that is, is up to us. Hope that it helps resolve your resolutions and goals to know that you can always start again. 

Update: Stubborn as a Rooster  but as passionate as fire. My goals are locked in,but progress may take longer than a few weeks or a month. Going with the flow in this respect will help ensure lasting change. 

Featured Image by Yacine OULD ROUIS, via Flickr. 

Day 22: Morning Routines in 2017 Resolutions

The goals for 2017 are going well. As expected, and reasonably so, I’ve given them all room to settle. I’d rather see lasting results, than immediate ones. That’s true for me in health and fitness as well as in writing, studying, and recreation. 

The focus for this 22nd day is to discuss an infographic that made me say “huh.” It was a ‘huh…’ and not a ‘huh?’ Here’s the original infographic, and both the gist and my take away:

  1. Wake up and Eat Breakfast!
  2. Meditate
  3. Move Your Body
  4. Daily Goals
  5. Visualize the Day

These five steps seem easy enough. Most often however, I find myself not eating until closer to noon or even later! I’ve also already created a habit of goal setting and visualizing my next day before bed, but we’re going to question those practices of mine here and now, reflecting on this tried and true morning flow. 

A nice slow start to the day. Starting with breakfast and taking time to digest with meditation makes sense, and it’s tough to do these days because we’re all busy busy busy, but we’re going to try to make our goals work for us and not the other way around. I’m most likely not going to pick up this routine too readily, due to knowing how much less likely I am to do it after breakfast. 

Meditation is hugely important. When I’m not meditating, I’m practicing jumping gracefully thought to thought to thought as internal and external stimuli make my mind a hectic place to be throughout the day. Taking a sit, and maybe even digesting some breakfast could be mutually beneficial. 

The Leadership Goal for meditation is to be present for an hour; take what could easily be nap time and turn it into mental peacetime. After such a long sit a good stretch is in order. My goal here is to move from meditation, to yoga, to dance – gracefully of course. 

Following such activity my brain will need to reiterate and find something to do. This is my favorite part: the flowing brain-juices. This is when the daily goal making begins, followed by a visualization of the day ahead. 

That’s my update for us! Now to meet my other goal, which I have yet to tell you about, and pursue vigilantly the work that needs to be done. The work that will be published before September!

Mathangi in Action; aka M.I.A

Sunday night past, or Super Bowl Sunday to some, I shared a provocative gif image of my favorite female rapper, at Super Bowl XLVI. Not as saucy as this lovely collection. But this, because the goddess is almost never not on my mind, and especially on Valentine’s Day, when she also speaks the words on my mind regarding this day as well:


Since transitioning from being firmly a graphic artist to a rapper and pop icon, M.I.A., has reserved her birthright to flip the bird, with her own struggle with immigration and being labeled a terrorist for her words and her lineage. It isn’t this fact alone that makes me a vocal follower of Mathangi‘s words, but how she’s kept a consistent and powerful theme, that certainly makes one want nothing more than to watch

M.I.A. coming back with power power (power power!)!

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