Basically Anything They Say: Who are they really speaking for?

Who Are “They”?

If you look at Congressional hearings lately, it doesn’t take long to see a couple of black people proudly waving Oreos (because they’re white on the inside, get it?) and calling people who call racists racist racists. The double speak is exhausting, yes. If it tires you out, this post is not for you because we’ve only just scratched the surface.

White nationalist allies such as these are given a pass from extrajudicial killings that appear to be on the rise, and other actions of neo-Nazis in the United States. The staggered-speed erosion of democracy to plutocracy and authoritarianism, in America especially, is being sped up by the alt-right’s fake videos, fake Facebook users, and fake news. However, this may end up being the case elsewhere if it is not treated as the malady it is.

This sort of far-right religious and populist nationalist extremism is not solely an American issue, and has even arose out of what most would consider to be have been a peaceful religion or spirituality: Buddhism.

Looking at leaders alone, it’s clear that separatist and supremacist ideologies go far beyond being white and Christian. Similar to how the alt-right in the United States call multiculturalism and diversity “cultural Marxism“, these fascists use the same outline in their respective nations to call for violence against “the other.” It’s us-versus-them that is possibly the crux of the issue internationally.

It may be the root issue because as democratic countries reach to uplift particular groups of individuals and identities, they give the appearance of preference. However, it is just a struggle of currency and funding than one of ideological supremacy. A real solution would be to go full democratic socialist, not, as we’ve seen happen, lean into far-right populist nationalism, which truly supports a single identity above others.

Examples of the leadership behind this spike in fascism around the world, not including what was the National Front in France:

  • Donald Trump of the Republican Party in the United States
  • Jair Bolsonaro of the Social Liberal Party in Brazil
  • Nigel Farage of the Brexit Party in the UK
  • Marcel de Graaff of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands
  • Jörg Meuthen, Alice Elisabeth Weidel, and Alexander Gauland of the AFD Party in Germany
  • Viktor Orbán of the Fidesz Party in Hungary
  • Jaroslaw Kaczynski of the Law and Justice Party in Poland
  • Vladimir Putin of the All-Russia People’s Front in Russia
  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
  • Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party in Israel-held Palestine
  • Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party in India
  • Rodrigo Duterte of the Hugpong sa Tawong Lungsod party in Philippines
  • Kim Jong-un of the Workers’ Party of Korea in North Korea
  • Ashin Wirathu is a Burmese Buddhist monk and leader of the anti-Muslim movement in Myanmar/Burma

Why Are They?

Most notably among the list above, although not is the latter, Buddhist Monk, Ashin Wirathu. When people think of Buddhism, they think of non-violence, and Wirathu in an interview even claimed to be non-violent, however in that same interview he did not decry the violence of Buddhists in Burma. The issue of nationalism versus immigrants and refugees, as the Muslims in Myanmar are, is well described in a post from the Buddhist online magazine, Lion’s Roar; excerpt below on the connection between Buddhists and genocide.

To understand the issue more fully, we must first start with the narrative of Buddhist nationalism — the driving ideological force behind the Islamophobia fueling the violence against the Rohingya. From the perspective of a Buddhist nationalist, the story goes like this: Over the course of decades, Muslim Rohingya slipped over the border from Bangladesh at the point where it meets Rakhine State, and settled on Rakhine land. They grew in number and diluted the Buddhist population, forming the vanguard of a crusade to turn Myanmar into a Muslim country. Therefore, unlike other Muslims in Myanmar, such as the Kaman people, the Rohingya have never been Burmese citizens and do not deserve citizenship status. ….

This narrative — that the Burmese people need to protect Buddhism from enemy foreign invaders — has persisted for over a century, though the perceived enemy has changed from British to Muslim.

Randy Rosenthal, Lion’s Roar. November 13, 2018

The above exampled purism, or bigotry, is leading to populist nationalism, fascism and authoritarian regimes, as well as jingoism, violence, murder, and even genocide. Democracy, by nature, and surprisingly the system in most of these nations, is for everybody regardless of who they are, and arguably a democracy should be willing to take in immigrants based on that principle, especially refugees. However, around the world, leaders such as the above are feeding or even creating fascist cultures within their politics and democracies.

This begs the question: How does it serve them?

What Do They Say?

Their words won’t sound like hate. At least, not to those that they’re speaking for. And they’re not speaking for who you may think.

The list of individuals and parties above may not be complete or perfect. It certainly won’t give you an idea of what connects these individuals. Also, “Why They Are,” above, won’t give you a complete image of How They Are.

Firstly, they don’t come wearing fancy outfits. Sure, maybe some Saffron robes or red baseball caps, or something that hearkens to “the good ol’ days. Ultimately though, a national identity gets lured in through this pretty image, that somehow looks like you in some way.

Thus the base is called in. This is what keeps that base close:

They restore your honor, make you feel proud, seem to protect your house, give you a job, clean up your parks – but not your environment, remind you how great you once were, help you vote out the most obviously corrupt, and helps you remove anyone that isn’t just like you and doesn’t pay you lip service just as much as they do.

They don’t take the stage, usually, announcing their plans for militias killing militias, or mass imprisonment of dissenters and just about anyone they can turn into free labor. They don’t, most of the time, come down an escalator and call for mass deportations and transporting people to particular places against their will. Nor do they often immediately or overtly call for ceaseless war and persecution.

Why would they? They need as wide a base as possible to seem legitimate. They aren’t, and here’s how they came to be, with a particular focus on Donald Trump, the Republican Party, complicit establishment Democrats, and who these fascist leaders are truly speaking to, not with their mouths, but with their policies.

How Are They?

While, I’m sure this is nothing new to most people, the reality of these regimes, and unfortunately the United States if we don’t take some progressive action massively and quickly, is that they are all plutocracies.

Trump’s policies, besides his attacks on immigrants and the transgender community, have no advances for his base, who already know that he’s racist. So no clarification required there. While yes, there are surely the small minority of them that are inspired to violence by these actions, most of it is symbolic virtue signaling and dog whistle politics, both terms I cover here.

The policies that are truly insidious in this administration are those that are not getting as much play in publishers making the bucks from the controversies. Papers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, as well as mainstream media purveyors of right-centrist “neutrality.” When it’s a social issue, it becomes hot button and something Trump can run on, just as he had opened his 2016 campaign.

These media outlets, have done little for the public. Even worse yet, they’ve done even less for the truth, and objectivity. By taking cues from the conservative GOP-media, “alternate fact” machine, FOX News, other media organizations such as CNN and MSNBC, as well as the two papers aforementioned and others, perhaps such as Politico, fall prey to actual fake news.

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.

Noam Chomsky

While the American people are sovereign, this is how they become the governed truly. Through a series of attacks on health, namely sugar, and the dissolution of activity in democratic environments, most notably unions, town halls, and newspapers, it has become possible to truly train particular classes.

Perhaps, Upton Sinclair is rolling in his grave at what we are seeing almost a 120 years later. While corporations at the size they are, are no longer called “trusts, nor CEO’s, “robber barons” American billionaires have extended their proboscises into the very roots of society. They have their influence around the world, creating systems of self-ingratiating political theory as represented by Trump. Now they even look upwards towards space as their next conquest.

In order to understand how businesses, mostly their unethical leadership, found loopholes to roll-back some of the advancements made in social responsibility, one can look at two things: labor unions, and location. Regarding both of those, here’s a deeper understanding of them, as well, from almost 120 years ago, and yet somehow still relevant today:

“They said that with enough hard work anybody could make it to the top. Although free-market rhetoric was plentiful in those days, free markets were hard to find. Almost every sector of the American economy was controlled by a handful of corporations whose executives met in secret, set prices, determined wages and conspired to destroy labor unions. These interlocking corporate and financial monopolies had a pleasant, innocent-sounding name: trusts. There was a steel trust, a sugar trust and a coal trust, among others. The markets weren’t free, but the trusts were – free to employ children in factories, free to make people work 60 or 70 hours a week, free to pollute rivers and streams, to hire private armies, to bribe state legislators and members of Congress, to sell what they wanted at whatever price they liked.”

“The states’ rights argument was especially appealing to the trusts, since state legislators were much less expensive to bribe than members of Congress. A handful of companies supported [Theodore] Roosevelt’s legislation [ the Pure Food and Drugs Act and the Meat Inspection Act]. In their view the absence of government regulation punished firms that tried to behave responsibly and helped those that cut corners, misled consumers, and sold dangerous goods.”

“Things got better because labor unions fought to make them better. It took years of patient organizing and a great deal of struggle.”

“It is no fault of [Sinclair’s] that the old lies have lately been repeated, that important lessons have been forgotten, and that somehow we now find ourselves back in the jungle, with an odd feeling of deja vu.”

Chicago Tribune. May 21, 2006.

The world feels like a jungle now. We’re brought closer together by technology, yet somehow, as soon as we began self-organizing, we saw those networks become resistant. The friction is felt everywhere. Especially in places like the United States and Saudi Arabia, according to the International Trade Union Confederation.

States’ rights are still used today as the cudgel to the working-class in order to force individuals to pay more in taxes than companies, make cuts in safety, and of course, pay their people less without benefits.

For instance, LegalZoom says it best, “Delaware is a tiny state, but it has an outsized importance in the world of corporations. Nearly half of the nation’s publicly traded companies, including giants like Apple, Coca-Cola, Google and Wal-Mart, are incorporated in Delaware. Delaware has a long history of corporation-friendly laws.” Chief among them, as many know, is that Delaware serves as a domestic tax haven, similar to Panama (as in the Papers) is an offshore, foreign tax haven, which offers corporations running shell companies there, or are incorporated there, tax avoidance.

In Delaware, the tax savings are permanent. And that’s just taxes, I won’t even get into Right to Work states. The Economic Policy Institute breaks down how the Trump administration has cut safety regulations and endangered workers across the country. And of course, perhaps no source is needed as we all know that it is nearly impossible to find decent healthcare plans and benefits under any employer, but especially one that is paying a minimum wage that they’re keeping down.

According to Bernie Sanders in a tweet last week, referencing inflation, “The minimum wage would be $33 today if it had increased as quickly as the average Wall Street bonus since 1985. Instead, millions of people are trying to survive on poverty wages, while Wall Street executives get richer.”

Many of these issues would not solely effect a single identity among populations. They effect everybody. However, with white nationalism still being an issue, it becomes conflated with this. Simply: “d’ery terk er jerbs!”

Mussolini’s HQ face on a rendering obtained of Trump Tower Moscow.

So How Did the U.S. Get Trump?

Well, here was a candidate that looked good to corporations, and he knew how to dog whistle and virtue signal the base that existed, a base that had often put up candidates that were detestable following Bush II, who was a shoein’ (pun so intended) following Nixon’s resignation, a slew of Republican corporate-cronies, Reagan, Bush I, and then the failed Presidency of Bill Clinton.

The base for Trump was made up of those from Nixon’s Southern Strategy (or Switch). Especially the Northern Catholics and Southern Evangelicals that were both opposed to abortion. A hot topic at the time of Nixon. Remember: Roe v. Wade was codified in 1973 by the Supreme Court, which was conservative at the time, so even then the Republican party was hypocritical in order to serve their rich millionaire donor constituents.

By the time Reagan left office, with all of his racism and bigotry, the Overton Window was shifted rightwards as the Republican Party became the far-right movements that we see mutated today. Gun rights, abortion, immigration, transgender folx. All of these became cultural issues to run on for an easy win.

However, following what was a fairly disappointing Presidency for these issues, in the eyes of this extreme religious far-right base, they were divided again on their candidate. Some may have even voted for Barack Obama, because they saw their man in his Vice President, Joe Biden. Meanwhile, other corporate representatives had far less of a struggle maintaining their seats using these dark money funds, much like Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Paul Ryan.

So What Do We Do?

In the United States, the Democratic party, was once the party of the democratic-socialist labor unions and fought for their rights. That is until the post-war era, as it is ironically colloquially known as. That’s when corporations were able to manufacture a blurring of lines between communism in the East and democratic socialism back home.

As the Red Scare caught on, more anti-Communist Democrats became elected and the Overton window began to shift to the right. Not only that, but these anti-socialist Democrats were taking bribes again from corporations. This continued in this vein for some time.

After several various events we have arrived to this point in time. Hopefully, most of our past, a lesson for the future. Dare I even say? Hindsight is 2020.

Which Democratic candidates are staying on top of trans news? Here’s a slideshow answer:

Transgender issues such as the right to body autonomy aren’t solely a trans matter. Especially as the United States is inflamed regarding recent abortion bans, it’s a subtopic on the issue of body autonomy. Similarly, we can talk about discrimination against many people barring them from housing, education, healthcare, and other much needed services, while talking about a lesbian black trans woman’s rights.

For more info, see The Task Force’s article following Injustice at Every Turn.

Here’s the really quick, and far too short, slideshow of Democratic Presidential candidates that responded to recent news regarding Muhlaysia Booker, one of the three black trans women who faced ultimate violence in the past week:


  • Michelle “Tamika” Washington
  • Muhlaysia Booker
  • Claire Legato

In November, ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance, HRC Foundation released “A National Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in America in 2018,” a heartbreaking report honoring the trans people killed and detailing the contributing and motivating factors that lead to this tragic violence. Of the more than 130 known victims of anti-transgender violence from 2013 to present, approximately two-thirds of those killed were victims of gun violence.

It is clear that fatal violence disproportionately affects transgender women of color, and that the intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia conspire to deprive them of necessities to live and thrive.

This epidemic of violence that disproportionately targets transgender people of color — particularly Black transgender women — must cease.

The Human Rights Campaign

Sweetie, You’re Not Stupid or a Fascist and Here’s Why

With seldom talk of white nationalism as it relates to Neo-Nazis, a fascist movement, and its relation to its namesake, the epitome of fascists, it can become easy for those that don’t identify as any of the above to still become indoctrinated in the authoritarian political philosophy. We jump in there.

Pokemon Feebas leads in the above image of the trans flag over-layed with the transgender symbol and “You can change.” overlaying that. Milotic, Feebas’s evolution, closes the image.

First, for journalists reading this:

Coverage of right-wing violence invariably addresses the outlets that aid young men in their radicalization, whether it is neo-Nazi news and discussion groups like Stormfront or simply message board chatter on 8chan, 4chan, Gab, and Reddit.

[YouTube’s] policies are not lax by accident, Vice’s Tess Owen pointed out at the event. “If they crack down on white nationalists, they’d have to crack down on Republican lawmakers, because white nationalists are talking like Republicans, and Republican lawmakers are talking like white nationalists,” she said. “We might hesitate to call a politician a racist because of the implications, and that’s a challenge for journalists as well.”

Sam Thielman, Columbia Journalism Review; May 9, 2019.

For more information on what sites are distinctly radicalizing, please read the above article by Columbia Journalism Review completely. Not only will you find those sites to avoid, but there’s also information regarding the propagators of these fascist ideologies. It’s an informative read, especially when read beside my own article discussing the spread of propaganda.

“… he didn’t necessarily agree with [the bigot] but found him “interesting and controversial.”

It’s a common occurrence on the internet, but the above quote came from a director of a journalism program that was found to be very supportive of anti-Semitic views. More than 70 years since the end of World War II, the period most commonly associated with fascism, this should be a red flag. In fact, these views, are almost literally a red flag “because white nationalists are talking like Republicans, and Republican lawmakers are talking like white nationalists,” according to reporters with the Columbia Journalism Review.

White supremacists, nationalists, separatists, the alt-right, Neo-Nazis, whatever you call them, fascists are out in force. Violent force.

Research widely publicized by the New York Times, suggests that not only are those promoting violence hanging out with each other in similar Internet circles, but they are also referencing each other. They’re making jokes and manifestos citing their jokes, their hate, and their past violence. These groups ultimately goad members along their version of the continuum of force, against each other and especially against those seen as the out-group.

By acting as gatekeepers, Internet trolls and those in the in-groups of the Internet not only falsely inflate an appearance of prestige and authority but reproduce the social ladder for which many seek refuge on the Internet from. This becomes most evident on platforms that offer ratings or reward systems such as Reactions on Facebook, or Upvotes on Reddit or Imgur. These tools would otherwise be useful to those feeling abandoned by their communities or wholly alone in a world full of varying opinions and fandoms. And perhaps that’s the poison.

Does everyone want a world of their own? That quintessential group of friends like some 90’s rerun? Perhaps, but it seems a lot more like Mean Girls.

“You can’t sit with us.”

Back to authoritarianism. That ultimate control has two faces: the meme group gatekeepers and Trump’s vicious anti-immigrant messaging and policies. Falling in line with either of these faces, in any way, defers some decision-making power to these fascists.

Everyone knows total power corrupts totally, right? Well, since when does an authoritarian, a fascist, cede any of that power? Never. Don’t give yours away either.

So while you’re seeking a sense of community online, there isn’t a replacement for the real thing. Unfortunately, the alt-right, for one example, also realizes this, and that’s how you end up with events such as the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia which left one progressive protester, Heather Heyer, dead. It’s one example of how memes and actual fascists were able to co-opt others into their mission of hate.

The Plastics

“The Plastics” in this context aren’t those that would actually commit murder and violence. Here, they are those that simply crib the “humor” and the rhetoric in order to feel at home. Those people that Trump calls his base.

The Plastics are people looking for a shelter for what they believe is their identity. This is populist nationalism when the identity is a broad stroking brush. According to American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, “[o]ther contemporary leaders who could be put in this [populist nationalism] category are Vladimir Putin of Russia, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey, Viktor Orbán of Hungary, Jaroslaw Kaczynski of Poland, and Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.”

Basically, every world leader Trump has invited to the White House has been a fascist. They compliment his brand of populist nationalism, Trumpism, as an equal adjacent. Fukuyama, in his book, Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment, describes this brand succinctly “as patriots who seek to protect traditional national identity, an identity that is often explicitly connected to race, ethnicity, or religion.”

Blissfully unaware of the harm in their identity, the Plastics are lead down the dark path of Right-wing identity politics where violent extremism grows. All the while these views are harvested by racists and bigots in power, in the United States and around the world.

The Plastics become the free for soldiers and cudgel of oppressors. First menacingly, can then verbally, and then violently all the way to murder.

The worst part? The Plastics, for the most part, no not what they do. However, it’s a slippery slope if there ever was one.

While it may not be obvious how these views effect others, such as women and marginalized communities, ignorance isn’t always present. Sometimes it’s feigned.

Some, unfortunately, and as I’ve mentioned in a previous post, get their sick jollies from the thought that they have so much — authoritarian — control over another person’s life. Even if that control is only pushing someone to suicide. That is the ultimate danger in the bullying and threats from extremists besides the aforementioned mass shootings.

Dead End

The Plastics aren’t going anywhere. In fact, they won’t go anywhere at all. Even if they become President of the United States, that’s where the roller coaster ends for them.

If you’re distancing yourself from those “friends,” seeking guidance after being attacked by trolls, or just sick of the hate, here’s a pro tip:

Block them and move on. Reach out to your real-life community for support. And remember what I mentioned above, they aren’t going anywhere with their lives, and anyone willing to put the work into themselves will.

Empower yourself. They may be teachers, policemen, and doctors, but you’re valuable in whatever way you choose to be. Fascism’s days are numbered and you’re not alone.

Anyone can go from protecting their identity to pressing for a fascist movement. However, please learn more in this post regarding how to be more critical of the communities you’re already engaged in. Echo chambers are one thing, but the FOX News’s that throw fuel on these dumpster fires are not far from reach for any media network. A post about the history of fascism in America is forthcoming.

Important note:

If you’re still an asshole in the above ways, and don’t want to actively change that, you’re probably stupid. A fascist. Or both!

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our Patreon –> Our Kickstarter?

That’s right, OUR Patreon. I finally launched the page today, and here it is, but let me tell you why it’ll be Our Patreon, and not My Patreon:

First, the Simple Answer:

With money-sharing just a click away, there’s myriad ways to share funds with people that need it. Whether you’re sharing the cost of lunch or creating poetry for a small fee, who hasn’t heard of Venmo? There’s a lot of ways to share the cost of this expensive endeavor we call life.

Newsy Background:

For news organizations, it’s no secret that they’ve mostly become corrupted by advertisers and their needs. Advertising isn’t always consistent either, even for the New York Times! Not only that, but also, not everyone is as affordable as The New York Times when it comes to subscription-based funding.

For more research on the latest annual data, check out this from the American Press Institute.

I’ve always done my work for free, but that doesn’t mean that it’s sustainable in any way. It’s made a lot of projects unreachable for me. For instance, in order to cover certain topics regarding immigration at the southern border, I more or less had to make new friends in the area or be homeless.

One thing I did learn from this: I can manage with far less and don’t mind giving my money away to others. They may need it more than me, and after living for three months across the southwest with not much more than camping equipment, I’m also confident that the money is better spent by them. So at last, here’s that simple answer:

Donations, Charitable Giving, and Helping People in Need

Whether it’s ensuring a young girl can stay in the country to achieve her veterinary dreams, making sure those seeking abortion have the funds to do so, or maybe just supporting someone in need through Venmo, I want to set aside 50% of whatever funds are raised for this sort of giving, and yes, there will be receipts.

Finally, the Tough Stuff:

Having a blog is great. And yes, it’s work. But I have bigger dreams than that!

There’s a lot of people out there today that are pretty well on-top-of great content circulating social media. They read, they watch, they may even write or record. I want to support them.

I want to give progressive creators another outlet, and one that pays.

So that’s where that other 50% of the funds will be going: a business account and startup costs, as well as advertising materials so we can get investors in on this action. Once I have a partner in this entrepreneurial mission, be on the lookout for a Kickstarter!

If you’re excited about a news network that gives back more than it takes, awesome, give it a dollar at and let me know if there’s anyone you’d like to see involved, or any subjects covered here or elsewhere. You can also specify if you want that dollar to go to me directly, but it’s easier to use my PayPal for that.

Travel Review: The Arizona Challenge


  • Travel Location; Country, etc.
  • Photos;
  • Overall Review of the Trip and Travel Agency;
  • Overall Review of Attractions, Accommodations, and, Restaurants;
  • Most Enjoyable and/or Memorable Moments;
  • If Trip were Taken Again, What Would I Do Differently;
The migratory ibis finds their next meal in marshed-out farmland in Buckeye, Arizona.

Alright, so it isn’t a real challenge. Yet. But in a nutshell:

In a dozen or so, short days, June will begin to bake Arizona in a daily maximum temperature between 102 and 106 degrees Fahrenheit (about 40 centigrade), according to Current Results. The hottest it has ever gotten in the Phoenix area was June 26, 1990, when it reached a fever-pitch of 122 degrees Fahrenheit. As June turns to July, who knows how hot it will get.

Now here’s the challenge: I’m going to attempt to survive these high temperatures after lived in two, relatively cool, places: New York and Colorado. According to Google, the July average max and the record highest temperatures in these locations are respectively 85/106 and 92/100. As I begin to write this first installment in this first series, I’ve never had to experience such temperature as those Arizona threatens, and I’m already wiping sweat from my face and neck.

Buckeye, Arizona, United States of America

Photo Gallery and More coming in Late August, Early September following this particular Trip. Until then, here are some Quick Facts About Buckeye:

Quick Facts

From Wikipedia:

Buckeye is a city in Maricopa CountyArizona and is the westernmost suburb in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The population was estimated at 68,453 in 2017.[5] It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the US; in 2016, it placed seventh.

The canal for which the city, then town, became legally named in 1910.

Early settler Malie M. Jackson developed 10 miles (16 km) of the Buckeye Canal from 1884 to 1886, which he named after his home state of Ohio’s moniker, “The Buckeye State”. The town was founded in 1888 and originally named “Sidney,” after Jackson’s home town in Ohio. However, because of the significance of the canal, the town became known as Buckeye. The name was legally changed to Buckeye in 1910.

In 2008, Buckeye was featured on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as part of a week-long series entitled “Blueprint America.”

A vote to change the town into the City of Buckeye became effective in 2014.

In November 2017, media outlets reported that a company associated with billionaire Bill Gates purchased 24,800 acres (100 km2) between Buckeye and Tonopah for $80 million. Gates’s company plans to create a “smart city” called Belmont on the site.


Buckeye is located approximately 30 miles (48 km) west of downtown Phoenix.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 145.8 square miles (377.6 km2), all of it land.


Buckeye has a hot desert climate, with abundant sunshine due to the stable descending air of the eastern side of the subtropical anticyclone aloft and at sea level over the southwestern United States. Summers, as with most of the Sonoran Desert, are extremely hot, with 121.0 afternoons reaching 100 °F or 37.8 °C and 181.6 afternoons getting to 90 °F or 32.2 °C. The record high temperature of 125 °F (51.7 °C) occurred on July 28, 1995, and temperatures above 86 °F or 30 °C may occur in any month.

Notable people

  • Upton Sinclair (1878–1968), author of The Jungle (1906), The Fasting Cure (1911), and others – Late in life Sinclair, with his third wife Mary Willis, moved to Buckeye, Arizona.

All Your Meme-Pages are Belong to Dust: Why your groups went secret, the world is so polarized, and we should care more about trans people.


Early Wednesday morning and throughout much of the day Wednesday, starting with groups local to Selatan a lone wolf actor in Indonesia launched a massive reporting and banning spree.

The group which won’t be named here, really a young man who won’t be named here had disagreed with a post in a meme-sharing group that appeared to ridicule one single ideology. After reporting until banning, the adolescent, 18, began reporting groups for content that seemed bigoted or did not agree with his ideology.

Expanding beyond Indonesia, the undertaking, with the assistance of Auto Reporter programs proliferated to other nations, time zones, beliefs, ideologies, and Facebook competencies whether they were pages, groups, or people.

Of the most affected groups were massive exchanges such as Crossovers Nobody Asked For and Tom and Jerry Cheeseposting, as well as niche meme and “shitposting” groups, pages, and people on all sides of the political spectrum.

At first, when bombarded by reports, especially here in the United States, the Right blamed the “@Democrats” and the Left pointed fault at the “Right-wing.” While one could spend the time to show the fallacies in these and similar blame-gaming across the world, the most important issue of our time is tolerance and communication. Specifically, this is an international issue regarding supremacy.

By definition

Before we can get into the nitty-gritty of this particular expression of ideological supremacy, let’s define a few things:

zeal /zēl/ noun

  1. great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

fanaticism fa·nat·i·cism /fəˈnadəˌsizəm/ noun

  1. a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or with an obsessive enthusiasm.

One can be fanatical about any belief or ideology, or, behavior or act. So one may be fanatical about anything: being a televangelist, a Republican, watching Football, or even working at the Krusty Krab flipping Krabby Patties. Fanaticism in ideology is where we’re going with this, regardless of how awesome Spongebob Squarepants is for his good-hearted zealotry.

Using Spongebob as an example though, what if he thought others were allowing their lives to stray towards some sort of inferior position, such as not liking Krabby Patties? Ignoring the fact that he still warned against Squidward’s fanaticism in this regard, what if Spongebob derided the Chum Bucket and not only shamed those that ate there (we’re pretending), but also actively attempted to dissuade, even calling the Chum Bucket inferior?

supremacy su·prem·a·cy /so͞oˈpreməsē/ noun

  1. the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

What happens often IRL looks exactly like the above fictional situation. One difference however: in life, this kind of fanaticism turns to ideological supremacy and in turn devolves into limiting the rights of others and in the worst cases, violence. Thankfully, Spongebob couldn’t be driven so mad over Krabby Patties.

Humans and supremacy are a toxic couple with a well-detailed history. A couple of examples from the United States include the ideologies of White and Male Supremacy. Each group IRL has experienced some variance on this subject and while there are methods to create balance and equity on a governmental level it may not yet be known how to change it on a massive macro- or miniscule micro-scale.

radicalism rad·i·cal·ism /ˈradəkəˌlizəm/ noun

  1. the beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform.

As I write this piece radicalism continues to evolve in various ideologies, and even shitposting groups. Worst of all is that this type of extremism can lead to violence. In most cases though, violent extremism is a restrictive act of religious ideologies such as those purported by Nazis and the Islamic State.

propaganda prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈɡandə/ noun

  1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Memes and shitposts seem like harmless humor and fun, or even some way of finding community and building a nest of security when everything else may seem insecure and precarious. However, without being objective, a joke can contribute to only further the views enshrined in the image or post.

This happens subtly when Left-leaning feminists talk about how “men can’t have babies and therefore shouldn’t write laws about women’s wombs” to the dismay of trans men and women as trans men may be able to have kids but trans women may not have wombs. Thus an inclusive feminist can perpetuate an ideology inadvertently and share what could be used by trans-misogynists on the Right. So while it was based in the fact that, recently men in power have been limiting the autonomy of people with wombs, it mislead in that it erased the existence of trans people.

Similarly, people who identify as Right-wingers may not agree with FOX News, an engine of propaganda, yet they may without realizing it use many of their talking points as they lay out their disagreements with Democrats and their policies or beliefs. Striving for impartiality and being unbiased is a difficult task, and because of this makes the value of journalism that can do so clear. As individuals just sharing content, sometimes uncritically, we cannot at all be called journalists by the same standards, and thus we have don’t, and conversely may share a lot of shitposts.

meme /mēm/ noun

  1. a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

shitposting shit·post·ing /SHitˈpōstiNG/ verb

  1. posting large amounts of content of “aggressivelyironically, and trollishly poor quality” as opposed to memes which are of better quality.

Both of these forms, memes and shitposts, while fun, and somewhat harmless, do have a way of indoctrinating others into beliefs and ideologies, because if there wasn’t some shared ideas already present, they wouldn’t be very funny, edgy, or trollish. These shared parts may include the following:

virtue signaling vir·tue sig·nal·ing /ˈvərCHo͞o ˈsiɡnəliNG/ noun

  1. the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.

dog-whistle politics /dôɡˈ(h)wisəl ˈpäləˌtiks/ noun

  1. political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The analogy is to a dog whistle, the ultrasonic tone of which is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.

Bellingcat, “the home of online investigations,” last year published an article on the subject of memes which specifically focused on fascist activity. “From Memes to Infowars: How 75 Fascist Activists Were “Red-Pilled”,” reads into how one may learn a particular language of an ideology or culture and perpetuate it in memes and shitposts while diving deeper down the ideological rabbit hole. Yet, this isn’t only a Right-wing phenomenon, nor even solely an American issue.

Virtue signaling happens everywhere. It happens with references to pop culture and it happens when one says they graduated from such and such a college. It expresses an idea without needing to say it and that’s what happened Wednesday.

Without reaching out to admins or making an impassioned plea to have a particular post removed or a new respect for a particular religion involved in community standards, the boy that caused a chain of groups across the world to go dark, or switch to Secret, Invite-Only, reported the group until it was banned. However, he didn’t stop there. His belief-system had to be defended without a doubt and through a separate page, virtue signaled while performing these actions.

Those that are familiar already know far more about him than will be found here, because he not only reported that group but he set up a bot using the aforementioned method and caused pandemonium across the platform. What set him off? Similar to fascists discussed by Bellingcat: memes.

“The Facebook shitposting community is not safe,” “attacked,” “scared,” and
“legit upset,” were all responses from users across the world. At the end of the day, identity politics isn’t solely a phenomenon on the Left. Our communities, friends, jobs, education, nation, religion, race, language, ethnicity, and even memes are how we identify, and we can be fiercely defensive of our identities. This, not that.

So what can we do? Well, if you read this far you’re off to a good start. People who are violently, aggressively, or trollishly defensive of their own identities often have a hard time entertaining other opinions or memes, especially if they’re perceived as the opposition. For those of us that don’t believe there are sides, agree that the opposition solely consists of antisocial and aggressive or violent individuals, and believe in a someday of unity, the answer may be something very common to the transgender community:

How do you identify?