House Votes #2, 17-6-19

This week, June 17, the House of Representatives is voting on some notable issues, locked inside of an omnibus spending bill. Call your House member to inform them how you would like to see them vote. Also to learn more about what’s included in this monstrosity. Call now!


To inform yourself regarding the following, start with and then whatever methods of information gathering you use for your decision-making on these issues. I like to use Twitter because the amount of opinions out there. But that’s just me. Maybe you ask your parents, or your friends. Whatever you do, democracy needs you. Make your voice heard.

The Omnibus Appropriations Bill – H.R. 3055

H. R. 3055 – Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2020.

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