The Breez – Jan. 4, 2018 – #10: Happy New Year!

Quote of the Day

“I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock.” — President Donald Trump on Twitter, Tuesday. “Stay Tuned!”

Happy New Year!


We’ve been gone a while, for the holidays, we missed you, and we’re glad to be back! Now that we’ve gotten all the celebration out of us, let’s get down to business: a lot is slipping by us. We really did miss our readers, so please enjoy: a triple threat!

The Story

ICYMI: Net Neutrality was repealed Dec. 14, last year, forcing states to clamor for their own version of the protection, which in New York, is of little importance to anyone but Ars Technica. What matters is the utter vitriol that causes the man-behind-the-plan to recoil from such events as the Consumer Electronics Show  in five days, where he was slated to speak and entertain open discussion “SuperSession”. Republican Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai practiced the party-politic and aimed to remove the overreach of federal government, returning the question to the states.

Andrew Cuomo,

The governor of New York State isn’t focusing on Internet freedom though, he’s with New Yorkers and digging his soles into the mud on this one. Cuomo misheard, but rather well. While we were calling his attention to taxation malfeasance, we had two completely different notions.

Pigs at the trough…

“The first federal double taxation in history, violative of states’ rights and the principle of equal protection.” – Cuomo

The new tax law as Cuomo put it would be like welfare to the Republican states where the cuts will likely be heaviest effectively treating “New York and California as piggy banks.” While it may only be pandering, it has a lot of truth to it. Especially in Port Jervis, taxpayers are treated as piggy banks yearafteryear.

Silent Night

As a $15.7 million budget passed six to three, five councilmembers who were in support of their constituents, turned into only three that wouldn’t use them as piggy banks. Regarding the vote, and previous meetings, two councilpeople spoke about a feeling that they shared: rendered silent, as if being railroaded. Where are you Cuomo?


Taxpayers look and see that working in public service earns you a raise every fiscal year and wish that their wages didn’t stagnate, and their quality of life didn’t teeter on imbalance. With double taxation, fees, and more double taxes, Port Jervians certainly pay more than only the $1.14 tax hike that City Clerk-Treasurer Robin Waizenegger based on an assessed home market value of just under an eighth of $1 million and certainly nowhere near the average for a city that has greater than an eighth of its population in poverty. Happy New Year.

(also I wonder which eighth of Port Jervis that could be….)


The Story

The word sounds pretty crazy. As it should! The term is meteorological, and it evokes a particular image: a bomb.

In detail…

We’re all familiar with the explosive, in at least a cartoon-sense, so when put in front of the root of this term, -genesis, we can figure a bomb that starts somewhere. To meteorologists, this image is more readily available.

Those studying weather look at pressure in lows and highs. Every pressure “system” they watch and gauge are seen in cyclonic parts. A bombogenesis is no different.

The bomb- part of the word refers to the “explosive development,” or radical change of a particular pressure system. Low-pressure systems that are outside of the tropical climate, or “extratropical.”

What’s happening?

The “explosive cyclogenesis,” or bombogenesis, is moving as a cyclone, a particular weather pattern. In the United States, we’re most concerned because it’s rank with climate change evidence. Snow is falling as far into the tropics as Florida.


Florida has snow?! Not only that, but the entire Deep South is in deep trouble as records are made in the below-freezing temperatures.  Luckily for them, I’ll be posting a broke-girl dunkaccino recipe in the coming days — stay warm!

The Peanut Gallery

The Story

Essence, not for you? “Bright” wasn’t too great? And don’t scare easy? Well, here’s something interesting to talk about as you get stoned with the guys building Mike Tyson’s new weed ranch (HnY Calif.): who’s better hung?

Bad Blood

After having broken up with boyfriend, Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump is moving on. That’s correct bih, he’s redirecting harder than Paul Manafort right now. Trump is throwing out everything that reminds him of their time together.  

The Long Game

Ever since he heard the news, President Trump has incorporated McDonald’s every where possible, even brunch, claiming that he eats so much out of fear of being poisoned. He’s stocking up, having planned ahead for this very moment: the Long Game. This event is characterized, and depicted, by the words Trump chooses to share with North Korean despot Kim Jong-un, pushing buttons of all kinds, even the fries.


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